Major Documents
Anniversary Declarations of the Group of 77
- Caracas Declaration of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the
Group (Caracas, Venezuela, 21-23 June 1989)
( Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Group of 77 (UN Headquarters, New York, 24 June 1994)
( Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Group of 77 (São Paulo, Brazil, 11-12 June 2004)
( Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic)
- Declaration "For a new world order for living well" adopted by the Summit of Heads of State and Government on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Group of 77 (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Plurinational State of Bolivia, 14-15 June 2014)
( Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic)
- Joint Declaration at the occasion of the fifty-fifth anniversary of the Group of 77 (UN Headquarters, New York, 27 September 2019)
- Joint Declaration at the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Group of 77 (UN Headquarters, New York, 27 September 2024)
Major Declarations and Programmes of Action Adopted by the Group of 77
- Joint Declaration of the Group of 77 (Geneva, 15 June 1964)
- Charter of Algiers (Algiers, Algeria, 10-25 October 1967)
- Caracas Programme of Action adopted by the High-level Conference on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries (Caracas, Venezuela, 13-19 May 1981)
- Declaration
on the occasion of the Twenty-first Annual Ministerial Meeting of
the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 1997)
- Declaration
on the occasion of the Twenty-second Annual Ministerial Meeting of
the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 1998)
- Declaration
on the occasion of the Twenty-third Annual Ministerial Meeting of
the Group of 77 (New York, 24 September 1999)
- Declaration of the South Summit and Havana Programme of Action (Havana, 10-14 April 2000)
( Other languages: English | French | Spanish| Arabic)
- Statement on the occasion of the Twenty-fourth Ministerial Annual Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 15 September 2000)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Tehran Consensus on South-South Cooperation (Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 22 August 2001)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Declaration on the occasion of the Twenty-fifth Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 16 November 2001)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Declaration on the occasion of the Twenty-sixth Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 19 September 2002)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Declaration by the Group of 77 and China on the Fourth WTO Ministerial Conference at Doha, Qatar (Geneva, 22 October 2001)
- Dubai Declaration for the promotion of science and technology in the South (Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 27-30 October 2002)
( Other languages: Arabic | French | Spanish)
- Declaration by the Group of 77 and China on the Fifth WTO Ministerial Conference at Cancun, Mexico (Geneva, 22 August 2003)

- Declaration on the occasion of the Twenty-seventh Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 2003)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Marrakech Declaration on South-South Cooperation and Marrakech Framework of Implementation of South-South Cooperation adopted on the occasion of the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation (Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco, 16-19 December 2003)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Declaration on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Group of 77 (São Paulo, Brazil, 11-12 June 2004)
( Other languages: Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish)
- Declaration on the occasion of the Twenty-eighth Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 30 September 2004)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Conclusions and recommendations of the High-level Forum on Trade and Investment (Doha, Qatar, 5-6 December 2004)
- Second South Summit (Doha, Qatar, 12-16 June 2005):
Doha Declaration Arabic | English | French | Spanish
Doha Plan of Action   Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Statement on the occasion of the Twenty-ninth Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2005)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Ministerial Statement adopted by the 30th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2006)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 31th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2007)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 32nd Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2008)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 33rd Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 2009)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 34rd Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2010)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 35th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2011)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 36rd Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2012)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 37th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2013)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 38th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2014)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 39th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 24 September 2015)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 40th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 41st Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2017)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 42nd Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2018)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 43rd Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2019)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 44th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 12 November 2020)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 45th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 30 November 2021)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 46th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2022)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Outcome Document of the G-77 Ministerial Conference on "Achieving the SDGs: Addressing Present Challenges and Building Resilience against Future Crises" (New York, 15-16 December 2022)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Havana Declaration adopted at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Group of 77 and China on "Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation" (Havana, Cuba, 15-16 September 2023)
( Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 47th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2023)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Outcome Document adopted by the Third South Summit (Kampala, Uganda, 21-22 January 2024)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
- Ministerial Declaration adopted by the 48th Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2024)
( Other languages: Arabic | English | French | Spanish)
Documents on United Nations Reform