We, the Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the Group of 77 and China, meeting at United Nations Headquarters in New York on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of the Group, solemnly declare the following:

Reaffirm our unity and solidarity that have guided us since the adoption of the Joint Declaration at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on 15 June 1964.

Reaffirm also our unwavering commitment to the founding ideals and principles of the Group, including the principles of unity, complementarity, cooperation, and solidarity among developing countries.

Are proud of the legacy and great achievements of the Group in defending and promoting the interests of the developing countries and in pursuing sustainable development and shared prosperity.

Reaffirm the full respect for the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

Also reaffirm the need to respect the principles of equality among States, national sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of States and non-interference in their internal affairs.

Further reaffirm the need to respect the right to self-determination of peoples living under colonial or foreign occupation and other forms of alien domination.

Remain determined to individually and collectively pursue the achievement of sustainable development, while underlining the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.

Reiterate our call for strengthened international cooperation, multilateralism and international solidarity as the best way to address the global challenges.

Commit to pursue and intensify our collective work for the well-being and prosperity of the countries and the peoples of the South, mutually beneficial cooperation and a world order that is just, equitable, stable and peaceful.