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1. [100.00%] Marrakech Declaration on South-South Cooperation
MARRAKECH DECLARATION ON SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION We, the participants at the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation held in MARRAKECH, Morocco, from 16 to 19 December 2003, guided by the provisions of the Havana Programme of Action
http://www.g77.org/marrakech/marrakech-Declaration.htm - 19.2kb

2. [100.00%] Marrakech Framework of Implementation of South-South Cooperation
MARRAKECH FRAMEWORK OF IMPLEMENTATION OF SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION The Participants at the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation held in MARRAKECH, Morocco, from 16 to 19 December 2003, having adopted the MARRAKECH Declaration on
http://www.g77.org/marrakech/marrakech-Framework.htm - 16.6kb

3. [41.71%] Latin-America and Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation
Ministerial Conference in Marrakech a set of concrete initiatives and measures which should be action-oriented and encompasses implementable actions in the field of South-South cooperation. The Marrakech Conference should not lead to the
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/061603b.htm - 9.7kb

4. [32.16%] Naciones Unidas A/58/683 Distr.
adjuntos la "Declaración de Marrakech sobre la Cooperación Sur-Sur" y el "Marco de Marrakech para la Aplicación de la Cooperación Sur-Sur", aprobados en la Conferencia de Alto Nivel sobre la Cooperación SurSur del Grupo de los 77, celebrada en
http://www.g77.org/doc/docs/Marrakech%20Final%20Docs%20(S).pdf - 147.9kb

5. [32.16%] United Nations A/58/683 Distr.:
to transmit, herewith, the Marrakech Declaration on SouthSouth Cooperation and the Marrakech Framework for the Implementation of SouthSouth Cooperation adopted on the occasion of the High-level Conference on SouthSouth Cooperation of the Group of
http://www.g77.org/doc/docs/Marrakech%20Final%20Docs%20(E).pdf - 72.7kb

6. [29.15%] Turnover of G-77 Chairmanship
documents namely, the Marrakech Declaration and the Marrakech Framework of Implementation. We can state, in some respects, that due to new challenges of globalization, the Marrakech Declaration has put an emphasis on the necessity of
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/011604b.htm - 33.5kb

7. [29.15%] Climate Change
held just two weeks ago in Marrakech. With the historic achievements and agreements reached first in Bonn and then completed and sealed in Marrakech, the international community rose to the challenge of making the embattled Kyoto Protocol
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/112801.htm - 5.9kb

8. [24.62%] Turnover of G-77 Chairmanship
la Déclaration de Marrakech et le cadre de sa mise en œuvre. On relèvera à cet égard que face aux nouveaux défis de la mondialisation, la Déclaration de Marrakech a mis en exergue la
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/011604b(f).htm - 42.5kb

9. [24.62%] About the Group of 77
14 September 2003); The Marrakech Declaration on South-South Cooperation and the Marrakech Framework of the Implementation of South-South Cooperation (Marrakech, Morocco, 16 – 19 December 2003); The Sao Paulo Declaration (Sao Paulo,
http://www.g77.org/doc/ - 18.3kb

10. [24.62%] Economic and technical cooperation among developing countries
The focus of the Marrakech Conference will be placed on areas in which immediate action can be taken. We are looking forward to achieving in the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation in Marrakech a set of concrete initiatives
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/102103.htm - 16.7kb

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