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Displaying results 81 - 85 of 85 matches (0.01 seconds)
81. [3.52%] Thirty-First Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs - Ministerial Declaration
Programme of Action, the Marrakech Plan of Implementation of South-South cooperation and the Doha Plan of Action that, taken together represent a comprehensive framework for intensified cooperation among developing countries. The Ministers
http://www.g77.org/ammfa/31/declaration.html - 31.3kb

82. [3.52%] The Group of 77 - Journal
South-South Cooperation in Marrakech A Renewed Vision for South-South Cooperation Bridging Digital Divide Vital for Developing Nations Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Imperative High Priority on Protecting Marine Ecosystems A
http://www.g77.org/nc/journal/2003.html - 7.0kb

83. [3.52%] G-77 Media Section
Change (UNFCCC) held in Marrakech (Morocco). The G-77 is the largest coalition of developing nations in the world. The Group was founded on 15 June 1964, by seventy-seven developing countries at the first session of the United Nations
http://www.g77.org/news/media_section/index.htm - 25.0kb

84. [3.52%] Thirtieth Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs - Progress Report on the follow-up and implementation of the Doha Plan of Action
with the mandate of the Marrakech Framework for Implementation of South-South Cooperation. In this context, I wish to inform you that the esteemed Government of the Sultanate of Oman has generously offered to host the meeting in 2007. The
http://www.g77.org/ammfa/30/progressrpt.html - 15.2kb

85. [3.52%] Thirtieth Annual Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs - Ministerial Statement
with the mandate of the Marrakech Framework for Implementation of South-South Cooperation (paragraph 26). In this context, the Ministers warmly welcomed the generous offer by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman to host this forum. The
http://www.g77.org/ammfa/30/conclusion.html - 14.9kb

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