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71. [4.02%] ECOSOC - Programme of Action for LDCs
15 to 19 December 2003 in Marrakech a Ministerial Conference on South-South cooperation in the context of which the LDC dimension will be well addressed. I thank you.
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/071603.htm - 8.0kb

72. [4.02%] Statement at the Turn-over Ceremony of the Chairmanship of the Group of 77
meeting in late July and the Marrakech Conference where the fate of the embattled Kyoto Protocol and the ultimate achievement of consensus on its ratification came from the extremely positive and equally detrimental role played by the Group of 77.
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/011102.htm - 25.4kb

73. [4.02%] C:\Program Files\SoftQuad\HoTMetaL PRO 4\gifs\Layout00.htm
Cooperation held in Marrakech, Morocco from 16 to 19 December 2003 as well as the forthcoming the first South-South Trade Forum in cooperation with UNDP, in 2005 in Beijing, China are important elements for the strengthening of South-South
http://www.g77.org/vienna/DetailedReport2004.htm - 32.5kb

74. [4.02%] Technical cooperation among developing countries
scheduled to be held in Marrakech (Morocco) from 16 to 19 December 2003. We are also very pleased to note that the High-level Committee has stressed the importance of the triangular cooperation. As it has been pointed out, a special emphasis
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/053003.htm - 5.2kb

75. [4.02%] Technical cooperation among developing countries
Cooperation to be held in Marrakech (Morocco) from 16 to 19 December 2003. We are confident that the deliberations, which will take place during this important meeting, will enable us to advance the action-oriented objectives of South-South
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/052703.htm - 13.5kb

76. [4.02%] Group of 77 - IFCC-XI - Welcome!
that took place in Marrakech, Morocco, in December 2003. At the same time, this meeting will address follow-up actions by governments and relevant institutions on recommendations made by IFCC-X at the national, subregional, regional and
http://www.g77.org/ifcc11/welcomeb.html - 3.3kb

77. [4.02%] G-77 Chairman: Political Integrity of Bonn Agreements Should be Preserved
Should be Preserved MARRAKECH (29 October 2001) - Chairman of the Group of 77, Ambassador Bagher Asadi (Islamic Republic of Iran) stated in his statement at the opening meeting at the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the
http://www.g77.org/news/pr102901.htm - 5.5kb

78. [3.52%] Thirtieth Annual Meeting of Ministers
with the mandate of the Marrakech Framework for Implementation of South-South Cooperation (paragraph 26). In this context, the Ministers warmly welcomed the generous offer by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman to host this forum. 2 13.
http://www.g77.org/ammfa/30/conclusion.pdf - 26.1kb

79. [3.52%] NATIONS UNIES AE Assemblée générale
des négociations d'Uruguay à Marrakech (Maroc) le 15 avril 1994 contribueront à constituer un système commercial multilatéral ouvert, stable, prévisible, équitable et transparent. Dans ce cadre, nous réaffirmons qu'il est nécessaire d'abolir les
http://www.g77.org/doc/docs/Declaration-25_Anniversary-G77(F).pdf - 20.0kb

80. [3.52%] G-77/SS/2005/1 DEUXIEME SOMMET DU SUD
Déclaration et du cadre de Marrakech pour la mise en oeuvre de la coopération Sud-Sud, qui réaffirment l'engagement des Etats membres en faveur de la coopération Sud-Sud et définissent les mesures et initiatives à prendre à cet effet. 8. Nous
http://www.g77.org/southsummit2/doc/Doha%20Declaration(French).pdf - 97.0kb

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