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41. [8.04%] 091499
and to this historic city of Marrakech for the very warm welcome and hospitality extended to my delegation. As current Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, I would also wish to convey my personal greetings and good wishes to all and particularly
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/091499.html - 13.6kb

42. [8.04%] The Group of 77 - Statements and Speeches - 2001
of the COP-7, UNFCCC (Marrakech, 10 November 2001) Statement by Her Excellency Dr. Massoumeh Ebtekar, Vice-President and Head of the Department of Environment (Islamic Republic of Iran), on behalf of the Group of 77, High-level Segment,
http://www.g77.org/statement/2001.html - 37.3kb

43. [8.04%] Technical cooperation among developing countries
Cooperation to be held in Marrakech (Morocco) from 16 to 19 December 2003. We in the Group of 77 will do our utmost effort to ensure, with the active cooperation of all stakeholders, that the Marrakech Conference will set the stage for
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/052803.htm - 6.2kb

44. [7.04%] Cinquante-sixiime session Points 22,
climatiques tenue a Marrakech (Maroc) du 29 octobre au 9 novembre 2001, qui a arrkty les dytails opyrationnels de l'application du Protocole de Kyoto, ouvrant ainsi la voie a une large ratification du Protocole par les gouvernements et a
http://www.g77.org/doc/docs/decg77-xxv-mm(french).doc - 90.0kb

45. [7.04%] Quincuagysimo sexto pernodo de
Climbtico, celebrado en Marrakech (Marruecos) del 29 de octubre al 9 de noviembre de 2001, en el cual se ultimaron los detalles operacionales del Protocolo de Kyoto y se abriu el camino para la ratificaciun generalizada por parte de los
http://www.g77.org/doc/docs/decg77-xxv-mm(spanish).doc - 87.0kb

46. [7.04%] G-77/SS/2005/1 SEGUNDA CUMBRE DEL SUR
la Declaración de Marrakech y el Marco de Marrakech para la cooperación Sur-Sur, en los que se reafirmó el compromiso de los miembros con respecto a la cooperación Sur-Sur y se determinaron medidas e iniciativas específicas para lograr
http://www.g77.org/southsummit2/doc/Doha%20Declaration(Spanish).pdf - 66.4kb

47. [7.04%] G-77/SS/2005/1 SECOND SOUTH SUMMIT
7. We welcome the Marrakech Declaration and the Marrakech Framework for the Implementation of South-South Cooperation, which reaffirmed the commitment of the members to South-South cooperation and identified specific measures and
http://www.g77.org/southsummit2/doc/Doha%20Declaration(English).pdf - 65.7kb

48. [7.04%] Press Communiqués
Kyoto Protocol Imperative (Marrakech, 7 November 2001) G-77 Chairman: Political Integrity of Bonn Agreements Should be Preserved (Marrakech, 29 October 2001) Press Conference by G-77 Chairman on Forthcoming Major International Events: WTO
http://www.g77.org/news/press_communiques/index.htm - 18.9kb

49. [4.02%] XXV Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77
just last week in COP-7 in Marrakech. These two important Conferences could not have embraced success without the critical contribution of the Group of 77. Moreover, at the practical level, the Johannesburg Summit should set concrete measures and
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/111601.htm - 20.5kb

50. [4.02%] Climate change
change. In this regard, the Marrakech Accords, which made important inputs to the World Summit on Sustainable Development, recognize, amongst other things, that developing countries are the most vulnerable to climate change and underline the need
http://www.g77.org/Speeches/111402.htm - 4.4kb

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