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Displaying results 21 - 30 of 85 matches (0.01 seconds)
21. [12.06%] The Group of 77 - Major Documents
English | French | Spanish ) Marrakech Declaration on South-South Cooperation and Marrakech Framework of Implementation of South-South Cooperation adopted on the occasion of the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation (Marrakech, Kingdom
http://www.g77.org/doc/docs.html - 15.6kb

22. [12.06%] Sustainable production and consumption: lessons learned from the implementation of the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns
regional strategies and the Marrakech Process. The Marrakech Process has achieved important progress in the promotion and implementation of SCP. In this regard, it should remain an important forum for dialogue and cooperation on SCP issues among
http://www.g77.org/statement/getstatement.php?id=100512d - 3.7kb

23. [12.06%] Welcome To The G-77 News Centre
Kyoto Protocol Imperative MARRAKECH, 7 November 2001 -Ms. Massoumeh Ebtekar, Iranian Vice-President and Head of the Department of Environment, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 at the High-level Segment of the COP-7 of the Climate Change
http://www.g77.org/news/index.htm - 67.2kb

24. [12.06%] G-77: Legally-binding Compliance Regime for Kyoto Protocol Imperative
Kyoto Protocol Imperative MARRAKECH (7 November 2001) - Ms. Massoumeh Ebtekar, Iranian Vice-President and Head of the Department of Environment, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 at the High-level Segment of the COP-7 of the Climate Change
http://www.g77.org/news/pr110701.htm - 5.7kb

25. [12.06%] Group of 77 - IFCC-XI - Downloadable Documents
| English | French | Spanish Marrakech Declaration on South-South Cooperation and Marrakech Framework of Implementation of South-South Cooperation adopted by the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation (Marrakech, 16-19 December 2003)
http://www.g77.org/ifcc11/downloaddocb.html - 6.5kb

26. [12.06%] High-level Forum on Trade and Investment
of the Group of 77, held in Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco, in December 2003. In both the Marrakech Declaration on South-South Cooperation and the Marrakech Framework for the Implementation of South-South Cooperation specific South-South areas for
http://www.g77.org/doha/qatar_minister.htm - 11.9kb

27. [10.55%] Naciones Unidas A/55/74 Distr. general
adoptada por la OMC en Marrakech sobre medidas relacionadas con los posibles efectos negativos del programa de reforma en los países menos adelantados y los países en desarrollo importadores netos de alimentos. Los acuerdos deben aplicarse
http://www.g77.org/doc/docs/summitfinaldocs_spanish.pdf - 262.0kb

28. [10.55%] G-77/SS/2005/2 DEUXIEME SOMMET DU SUD
Déclaration et du Cadre de Marrakech pour la mise en oeuvre de la coopération Sud-Sud adoptée à la Conférence de Haut niveau sur la coopération Sud-Sud tenue du 16 au 19 décembre 2003 à Marrakech (Maroc) ; Convaincus que plusieurs objectifs ont
http://www.g77.org/southsummit2/doc/Doha%20Plan%20of%20Action%20(French).pdf - 146.7kb

29. [8.04%] Naciones Unidas A/58/413 Distr.
la Cooperación Sur-Sur en Marrakech del 16 al 19 de diciembre de 2003, de conformidad con el Programa de Acción de La Habana, y pedimos a los países en desarrollo que participen activamente en la Conferencia a nivel ministerial con objeto de
http://www.g77.org/doc/decg77-xxvii-mm(spanish).pdf - 166.8kb

30. [8.04%] Nations Unies A/58/413 Distr. générale
du Maroc d'accueillir à Marrakech, du 16 au 19 décembre 2003, la Conférence de haut niveau sur la coopération Sud-Sud, conformément au Programme d'action de La Havane, et invitons les pays en développement à participer activement à la
http://www.g77.org/doc/decg77-xxvii-mm(french).pdf - 151.4kb

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