Report of 2014


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Task forces for the UN Vienna-based Organizations were established in order to ensure better coordination of substantive matters related to the work programme of the various organizations:


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Task Force Leader: Ms Cinthia ECHAVARRÍA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Argentina


Plenary meetings

23.1. Informal consultations with DDG Aning on the strengthened application of the Agency’s due account mechanism
28.2. Preparations for the IAEA BOG, starting on 3 March 2014
1.4. Consultations with the Co-chairs of the Working Group on Financing the Agency’s activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
8.7. Consider specific amendments to the draft WGFAA report
17.7. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
2.9. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities (WGFAA), including to examine the ways and means to render resources for the TCF sufficient, assured and predictable and Meeting with Mr. Y. Amano, Director General
4.9. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
21.10. The Russian proposal on the draft UNGA Resolution on the IAEA Report


Task Force meetings

27.1. Exchange of information before the start of the first meeting of the Informal Working Group on the Financing of Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
18.2. Preparations for the IAEA BOG, starting on 3 March 2014
21.2. Preparations for the IAEA BOG, starting on 3 March 2014
24.2. Preparations for the IAEA BOG, starting on 3 March 2014
26.2. Preparations for the IAEA BOG, starting on 3 March 2014
28.2. Preparations for the IAEA BOG, starting on 3 March 2014
12.3. Exchange of views related to the Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
14.3. Exchange of views related to the Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
17.3. Exchange of views related to the Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
18.3. Exchange of views related to the Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable
26.3. Exchange of views in preparation for the consultations of the Group with the Co-Chairs of the WG on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF sufficient, assured and predictable to be held on 1 April 2014
29.4. IAEA Programme and Budget Committee, starting on 5 May 2014
30.4. IAEA Programme and Budget Committee, starting on 5 May 2014
2.5. IAEA Programme and Budget Committee, starting on 5 May 2014
6.5. Exchange of views on Santa Cruz Declaration
23.5. IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, 2-6 June 2014
27.5. IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, 2-6 June 2014
28.5. IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, 2-6 June 2014
29.5. IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, 2-6 June 2014
30.6. Consider the draft report of the Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable
3.7. Consider specific amendments to the draft WGFAA report
7.7. Consider specific amendments to the draft WGFAA report
8.7. Consider specific amendments to the draft WGFAA report
30.7. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable
28.7. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable and General Conference Technical Cooperation Draft Resolution
29.7. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable and General Conference Technical Cooperation Draft Resolution
1.9. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable and General Conference Technical Cooperation Draft Resolution
2.9. a.m. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable and General Conference Technical Cooperation Draft Resolution
2.9. p.m. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable and General Conference Technical Cooperation Draft Resolution
5.9. a.m. Working Group on Financing the Agency’s Activities, including to examine the ways and means to render resources for TCF suffient, assured and predictable and General Conference Technical Cooperation Draft Resolution
9.9. General Conference Draft Resolutions (TC Draft Resolution) and IAEA Board of Governors, starting on 15 September 2014
10.9. General Conference Draft Resolutions (TC Draft Resolution) and IAEA Board of Governors, starting on 15 September 2014
11.9. General Conference Draft Resolutions (TC Draft Resolution) and IAEA Board of Governors, starting on 15 September 2014
12.9. General Conference Draft Resolutions (TC Draft Resolution) and IAEA Board of Governors, starting on 15 September 2014
11.11. Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee, 17-19 November 2014 and IAEA Board of Governors, 20-21 November 2014
13.11. Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee, 17-19 November 2014 and IAEA Board of Governors, 20-21 November 2014


Friends of the Chair Meetings

12.9. Informal Consultations with Non-G-77 members on the GC Draft Resolution (TC)
17.9. Informal Consultations with Non-G-77 members on the GC Draft Resolution (TC)
19.9. Informal Consultations with Non-G-77 members on the GC Draft Resolution (TC)
22.9. Informal Consultations with Non-G-77 members on the GC Draft Resolution (TC)
23.9. Informal Consultations with Non-G-77 members on the GC Draft Resolution (TC) (a.m.)
23.9. Informal Consultations with Non-G-77 members on the GC Draft Resolution (TC) (p.m.)
24.9. Informal Consultations with Non-G-77 members on the GC Draft Resolution (TC)


United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Ahmed Galaleldine Hussein ELGHOUL, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Egypt


Plenary meetings

21.1. Hand-over ceremony of the Chairmanship of the G-77 Vienna Chapter
4.4. Presentation and Discussion Forum on: Mainstreaming Youth in Post 2015 Development Agenda and Entrepreuneurship for Industrial Development: World Conference on Youth, 6-10 May 2014 in Colombo, Sri Lanka with the presence of Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister of Youth Affairs and Skills Development of Sri Lanka
6.5. Brief G-77 members on the 45th Meeting of the Chairs of G-77 Chapters in Geneva (24-25 April 2014); Discuss arrangements for marking the 50th Anniversary of G-77 in Vienna and Special Summit of G-77 Leaders in Santa Cruz, Plurinational State of Bolivia, 14-15 June 2014; Time scale for marking the 50th Anniversary celebration – one or two events towards the end of May 2014, to kick off and more activities to follow within a period from 18 June to 11 July for three – five days; Consider requests for Task Forces or appropriate mechanisms for COPOUS, UNCITRAL and MDC
10.6. Commemorative G-77 Plenary with DG LI Yong and Panel Discussions “Living Well: Celebrating Unity for Prosperity” Brainstorming for Santa Cruz
16.7. Assumption of Chairmanship of H.E. Ambassador Lourdes O. Yparraguirre, Permanent Representative of the Philippines
7.10. Briefing by Mr. Ramesh Jaura, Director General of Inter Press Service (IPS), which is based in Rome. Mr. Jaura offers free access to its services, covering developments relating to the elaboration of the post- 2015 Development Agenda followed by a briefing by Mr. Gyanchandra Acharya, United Nations Undersecretary-General and UN High Representative for Landlocked, Small Island and LDC Countries, relating to the Second International Conference on LLDCs, to be held in Vienna, Austria from 3 to 5 November 2014
21.10. Second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries, Vienna, 3-5 November 2014


Task Force Meetings

3.4. Informal exchange of views on UNIDO’s activities related to the implementation of the Lima Declaration and ISID, 3rd EU-G-77 Political Dialogue Meeting on 29 April 2014
30.4. Exchange of views on the Santa Cruz Declaration
7.5. Exchange of views on the Santa Cruz Declaration
12.6. UNIDO Programme and Budget Committee Meeting, 30th session, 25-26 June 2014
13.6. UNIDO Programme and Budget Committee Meeting, 30th session, 25-26 June 2014
20.6. UNIDO Programme and Budget Committee Meeting, 30th session, 25-26 June 2014
20.10. Draft Resolution on Industrial Development Cooperation for GA, Industrial Development Board, Donors Meeting, ISID 2nd Forum and Multilateral Diplomatic Committee
3.11. Second UN Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries, 3-5 November 2014 (Vienna Declaration)
4.11. Second UN Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries, 3-5 November 2014 (Vienna Declaration)
14.11. UNIDO Industrial Development Board, 42nd session, 25-27 November 2014
19.11. UNIDO Industrial Development Board, 42nd session, 25-27 November 2014


Working Group meetings

19.5. Coordination Committee for 50th anniversary for the week of 23-27 June 2014
22.5. Coordination Committee for 50th anniversary for the week of 23-27 June 2014
4.6. Coordination Committee for 50th anniversary for the week of 23-27 June 2014
14.6. Coordination Committee for 50th anniversary for the week of 23-27 June 2014
20.6. Coordination Committee for 50th anniversary for the week of 23-27 June 2014
23.6. Coordination Committee for 50th anniversary for the week of 23-27 June 2014
26.6. Coordination Committee for 50th anniversary for the week of 23-27 June 2014


United Nations Office at Vienna (UNODC)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Indra Rosandry, Permanent Mission of Indonesia


Plenary meetings

12.3. Consideration of G-77 and China draft statement for the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
9.10. UNODC: Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 7th session
10.10. UNODC: Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 7th session


Task Force meetings

21.2. Brainstorming before the 57th session of the CND and High level segment, 13-21 March 2014
28.2. Informal consultations for interested delegations on the draft resolution submitted by Thailand to the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
3.3. Consideration of G-77 and China draft statement for the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
7.3. Consideration of G-77 and China draft statement for the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
10.3. Consideration of G-77 and China draft statement for the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
11.3. Consideration of G-77 and China draft statement for the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
19.3. Consideration of Draft Resolutions for the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
20.3. Consideration of Draft Resolutions for the 57th session of the CND, 13-21 March 2014
9.4. Briefing by the delegation of Italy on the Review Mechanism, 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014 (G-77 and China statement and Draft Resolutions)
24.4. 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014 (G-77 and China statement and Draft Resolutions)
30.4. 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014 (G-77 and China statement and Draft Resolutions)
6.5. 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014 (G-77 and China statement and Draft Resolutions)
8.5. 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014 (G-77 and China statement and Draft Resolutions)
14.5. 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014: Co-sponsorship of Draft Resolutions prepared by members of the Group, 50th anniversary celebrations of the Group
16.5. 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014: Co-sponsorship of Draft Resolutions
16.5. 23rd session of the CCPCJ, 12-16 May 2014: Co-sponsorship of Draft Resolutions
3.6. UNODC: UNCAC – Implementation Review Group
5.9. UNODC: Consideration of the statements of the G-77 and China for the WG on Prevention and the WG on Asset Recovery
18.9. UNODC: Presentation by the delegation of Italy: DR on the Review of the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Orgranized Crime and the Protocols Thereto
19.9. UNODC: Meeting with the delegation of Italy and a core group of the G-77, regarding the possible tabling of a DR on Cultural Property
24.9. UNODC: Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 7th session
29.9. UNODC: Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 7th session
8.10. UNODC: Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 7th session
24.11. UNODC: Joint Meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, reconvened 57th session and Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, reconvened 23rd session, 4-5 December 2014
26.11. UNODC: Joint Meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, reconvened 57th session and Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, reconvened 23rd session, 4-5 December 2014 and UNTOC Report (Brazil)


COPUOS (Outerspace)


Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)

Task Force Leader: Ms Cinthia ECHAVARRÍA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Argentina


Task Force meetings

11.2. CTBTO: Working Group B Meting, 42nd session, 17-28 February 2014
13.2. CTBTO: Working Group B Meting, 42nd session, 17-28 February 2014
18.2. CTBTO: Joint meeting of Working Groups A and B, 22nd session, 24 February 2014
30.4. Consultation on the Santa Cruz Declaration
19.5. Working Group A, 45th session, 26-28 May 2014
22.5. Working Group A, 45th session, 26-28 May 2014
10.6. PrepCom, 42nd session, 13-17 June 2014
11.6. PrepCom, 42nd session, 13-17 June 2014
30.7. Outcome of the Extended Bureau Meeting of 15 July 2014
1.10. Working Group A Meeting, 46th session, 6-8 October 2014
2.10. Working Group A Meeting, 46th session, 6-8 Ocotber 2014
22.10. CTBTO: PrepCom, 43rd session, 28-30 October 2014
23.10. CTBTO: PrepCom, 43rd session, 28-30 October 2014