Task forces for the UN Vienna-based Organizations were established in order to ensure better coordination of substantive matters related to the work programme of the various organizations:
See detailed summary report of G77 activities during 2010
Chairman of the Task Force: Mr. Usman Jadoon, 3rd Secretary, PM of Pakistan (First semester 2010), Ms. Sharon Rivera, 3rd Secretary, PM of Philippines (Second second semester 2010)
1.2. Work Plan 2010, TC project INT/0/85 and IAEA Secretariat Briefing on Assurance of Supply, as well as UNODC matters
9.2. Briefing by Ms. A.M. Cetto, DDG TC and her team on TC project INT/0/85 and talking points on Assurance of Supply
25.2. IAEA Board of Governors, 1-5 March 2010
11.3. Joint G77 NAM Plenary with Mr. Y. Amano, Director-General of the IAEA
25.3. IAEA budget for 2011
9.4. MTS 2012-2017 Working Group, TC programme cycle 2012-2013, IAEA Budget for 2011
26.4. Working Group on TC Project INT/0/085
29.4. Programme and Budget Committee, 3-5 May 2010 and RBMs
29.4. Technical Briefing by the IAEA Secretariat on Nuclear Safety Standards Norms and Guides
3.5. Programme and Budget Committee, 3-5 May 2010
25.5. TC Project INT/O/O85
4.6. IAEA Board of Governors, 7-11 June 2010
11.6. IAEA Board of Governors, 7-11 June 2010
8.9. Coordination for the GC Resolutions, Board of Governors Meeting, 13-17 September 2010 (Assurance of fuel supply)
14.9. IAEA Board of Governors, starting on 13 September 2010
21.9. General Conference Resolutions
24.11. Briefing by Ambassador of the United States, H.E. Mr. Davies on the IAEA LEU Bank resolution to be tabled to the BOG
26.11. IAEA TACC and BOG Meeting, starting 29 November 2010
29.1. Informal briefing with Ms. A. Nilsson, Director, Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
3.2. Assurance of Supply – Briefing by the IAEA Secretariat
10.2. Assurance of Supply
22.2. IAEA Board of Governors, 1-5 March 2010
23.2. IAEA Board of Governors, 1-5 March 2010
24.2. IAEA Board of Governors, 1-5 March 2010
3.3. Working Group on the financing of the Agency’s activities, 5 March 2010
6.4. RBM Project Working Group, TC Programme Cycle 2012-2013, IAEA Programme and Budget 2011
7.4. RBM Project Working Group, TC Programme Cycle 2012-2013, IAEA Programme and Budget 2011
27.4. Programme and Budget Committee, 3-5 May 2010 and RBMs
28.4. Programme and Budget Committee, 3-5 May 2010 and RBMs
11.5. IAEA Budget 2011, TC Project INT/O/O85, MTS 2012-2017
14.5. IAEA Budget 2011, TC Project INT/O/O85, MTS 2012-2017
18.5. TC Project INT/O/085, preparations for the IAEA June Board, 7-11 June 2010
20.5. TC Project INT/O/085, preparations for the IAEA June Board, 7-11 June 2010
1.6. IAEA Board of Governors, 7-11 June 2010
2.6. IAEA Board of Governors, 7-11 June 2010
3.6. IAEA Board of Governors, 7-11 June 2010
29.6. MTS 2012-2017 (MP 5 & 6)
9.7. MTS 2012-2017 (MP 5 & 6)
2.8. Coordination for the GC Resolutions, Board of Governors Meeting, 13-17 September 2010 (Assurance of fuel supply)
5.8. Coordination for the GC Resolutions, Board of Governors Meeting, 13-17 September 2010 (Assurance of fuel supply)
24.8. Coordination for the GC Resolutions, Board of Governors Meeting, 13-17 September 2010 (Assurance of fuel supply)
31.8. Coordination for the GC Resolutions, Board of Governors Meeting, 13-17 September 2010 (Assurance of fuel supply)
2.9. Coordination for the GC Resolutions, Board of Governors Meeting, 13-17 September 2010 (Assurance of fuel supply)
7.9. Coordination for the GC Resolutions, Board of Governors Meeting, 13-17 September 2010 (Assurance of fuel supply)
13.9. IAEA Board of Governors, 13-17 September 2010 and GC Resolutions
14.9. IAEA Board of Governors, 13-17 September 2010 and GC Resolutions
15.9. IAEA Board of Governors, 13-17 September 2010 and GC Resolutions
16.9. IAEA Board of Governors, 13-17 September 2010 and GC Resolutions
17.9. IAEA Board of Governors, 13-17 September 2010 and GC Resolutions
20.9. General Conference Resolutions
21.9. General Conference Resolutions
21.9. General Conference Resolutions
10.11. Presentation by Mr. Y. Sokolov, DDG Department of Nuclear Energy on the new nuclear power infrastructure review service, preparations for the TACC and BOG meetings
17.11. Preparations for the TACC and BOG meetings, as well as MTS
22.11. Preparations for the TACC and BOG meetings, starting 29 November to 3 December 2010
23.11. Preparations for the TACC and BOG meetings, starting 29 November to 3 December 2010
24.11. Preparations for the TACC and BOG meetings, starting 29 November 2010 to 3 December 2010
26.11. IAEA TACC and BOG Meeting, starting 29 November 2010
13.1. Working Group on Financing the Agency Activities, 13-18 January 2010
17.2. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors meeting starting from 1 March 2010. Measures to strengthen international cooperation in nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety (a) Nuclear Safety Review for the year 2009 (b) Draft Safety Requirements: disposal of radioactive waste (c) Draft Safety Requirements: governmental, legal and regulatory framework for safety; Strengthening the Agency’s activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications; Nuclear Technology Review – 2010; The Future of the Agency; Working Group on TC Project INT/O/085 25.3. Medium Term Strategy 2012-2017, TC Programme Cycle 2012-2013, RBM Project Working Group
25.3. MTS 2012-2017, TC Programme Cycle 2012-2013, RBM Project Working Group
30.3. MTS 2012-2017 Working Group, TC Programme Cycle 2012-2013, IAEA Programme and Budget 2011
20.4. RBM Project Working Group, MTS 2012-2017 Working Group, Preparations for the PBC Meeting, starting 3 May 2010
6.5. IAEA Budget 2011, TC Project INT/0/085, MTS 2012-2017
28.5. IAEA BOG meeting 7-11 June 2010 and IAEA Budget 2011
17.8. IAEA Board of Governors meeting starting on 13 September 2010, Meeting on the Medium-Term Strategy on 09 September 2010, IAEA General Conference resolutions
13.10. IAEA Medium Term Strategy 2012-2017, Assurance of Supply (NTI fuel bank concept paper from US mission)
4.11. Preparations for the TACC and BOG meetings beginning 29 November and discussions on the MTS
8.11. Discussion on the revised draft MTS with Mr. D. Neculaescu, Second Secretary, PM of Romania
Chairperson of the Task Force: Mr. Jorge Iglesias, 2nd Secretary, PM of Chile, followed by Mr. Eduardo Da Costa Farias, Minister Counsellor, PM of Brazil
22.1. UNIDO: Turn-over ceremony of the Chairmanship of the G77 Vienna Chapter
7.5. IDB 37th session, 11-12 May 2010 and UNODC matters: CCPCJ 19th session 17-21 May 2010, briefing on Meeting with JIU representative
10.5. IDB 37th session, 11-12 May 2010
3.11. UNIDO IDB 38th session – briefing by the UNIDO Secretariat on pharmaceutical industry
24.11. UNIDO IDB, 38th session, 24-26 November 2010
25.11. UNIDO IDB, 38th session, 24-26 November 2010
3.5. Preparations for IDB 37th session, 11-12 May 2010
5.5. Preparations for IDB 37th session, 11-12 May 2010
7.5. Preparations for IDB 37th session, 11-12 May 2010
11.5. am Joint meeting of the Francophone Group and G77 and GRULAC on Draft Decision on Multilingualism
11.5. pm Joint meeting of the Francophone Group and G77 and GRULAC on Draft Decision on Multilingualism
9.8. UNIDO PBC, 26th session, 7-8 September 2010
17.8. UNIDO PBC, 26th session, 7-8 September 2010
24.8. UNIDO PBC, 26th session, 7-8 September 2010
28.10. UNIDO IDB, 38th session, 24-26 November 2010
12.11. UNIDO IDB, 38th session, 24-26 November 2010
18.11. UNIDO IDB, 38th session, 24-26 November 2010
22.11. UNIDO IDB, 38th session, 24-26 November 2010
Chairperson of the Task Force: Ms. Sitona Abdella Osman, Minister Plenipotentiary, PM of Sudan
5.3. CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010
25.3. Preparations for the Crime Congress, Salvador 12-19 April 2010
7.4. Preparations for the Crime Congress, Salvador 11-19 April 2010
9.4. Adoption of the G77 and China statement for the 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil 11-19 April 2010, Meeting of the Extended Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the TOC
29.4. 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010
7.5. IDB 37th session, 11-12 May 2010 and UNODC matters: CCPCJ 19th session 17-21 May 2010, briefing on Meeting with JIU representative
14.5. UNODC: 19th session of CCPCJ 17-21 May 2010
18.5. UNODC: 19th session of CCPCJ 17-21 May 2010
20.5. UNODC: 19th session of CCPCJ 17-21 May 2010
21.5. UNODC: 19th session of CCPCJ 17-21 May 2010
16.6. OOSA: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: 53rd session, 9-18 June 2010
30.8. UNODC: Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy
1.9. UNODC: Briefing of Mr. D. Vlassis on the establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy
22.10. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss urgent related matters
26.11. UNODC: Issues related to the forthcoming meeting of the Implementation Review Group (IRG), Questionnaire related to protection of children and youth from drug abuse; UNAIDS strategy 2011-2015
29.11. UNODC: Briefing by Ambassador Mrs. Norma Coicochea Estenoz, PR of Cuba on FINGOV
14.12. Debriefing by the Chairperson of the Group on her meeting with Mr. Fedotov, DG UNOV and ED UNODC on budgetary issues, G77 Chairmanship 2011
10.2. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010, 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010
11.2. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010, 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010
16.2. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010, 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010
22.2. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010 and 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010, as well as FINGOV
26.2. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010, 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010
3.3. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010, 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010
8.3. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010
9.3. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010
10.3. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010
11.3. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010
12.3. UNODC: CND, 53rd session, 8-12 March 2010
30.3. Preparations for the Crime Congress, Salvador 11-19 April 2010
6.4. Preparations for the Crime Congress, Salvador 11-19 April 2010
4.5. Preparations for meeting with JIU Representative, Mr. Yishan Zhang, Inspector
6.5. UNODC: 19th session of the CCPCJ, 17-21 May 2010
10.5. UNODC: 19th session of the CCPCJ, 17-21 May 2010
12.5. UNODC: 19th session of the CCPCJ, 17-21 May 2010
19.5. UNODC: 19th session of the CCPCJ, 17-21 May 2010
21.5. UNODC: 19th session of the CCPCJ, 17-21 May 2010
9.6. UNODC: FINGOV matters
11.6. UNODC: FINGOV matters
22.6. Meeting of the Implementation Review Group of the COSP to UNCAC, 28 June-2 July 2010
24.6. Meeting of the Implementation Review Group of the COSP to UNCAC, 28 June-2 July 2010
31.8. UNODC: Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy
15.9. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010
28.9. G77 and China statements for the high-level segment of the 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010, as well as the high-level statement for the 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss the issues of the thematic debate for the next CND in 2011
6.10. G77 and China statements for the high-level segment of the 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010, as well as the high-level statement for the 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss the issues of the thematic debate for the next CND in 2011
12.10. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss the issues of the thematic debate for the next CND in 2011
14.10. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss the issues of the thematic debate for the next CND in 2011
19.10. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss draft resolutions
20.10. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss draft resolutions
21.10. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss draft resolutions
22.10. 5th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 18-22 October 2010. Discuss draft resolutions
10.12. UNODC: FINGOV matters with the presence of H.E. Mrs. Norma Miguelina Goicochea Estenoz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Cuba
16.12. UNODC: FINGOV matters with the presence of H.E. Mrs. Norma Miguelina Goicochea Estenoz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Cuba
17.12. UNODC: FINGOV matters with the presence of H.E. Mrs. Norma Miguelina Goicochea Estenoz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Cuba
Chairperson of the Task Force: Mr. Marco Castillo Parra, Second Secretary, PM of Venezuela
10.12. Discussions on the work programme for 2011
Chairperson of the Task Force: Mr. Mehdi Aliabadi, 3rd Secretary, PM of the IR of Iran
18.2. 34th Working Group B Meeting, 15.2.-5.3.10, capacity-building in IDC, EU request for a meeting on Rule 5 (observer status of Palestine), Programme of activities on Article XIV conference
28.5. Briefing by Mr. Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary on the 2011 Programme and Budget
30.8. Fiftheenth Joint Meeting of WGA and WGB, 30 August 2010
5.11. Briefing by Mr. Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary on forthcoming Preparatory Commission, 35th session 8-11 November 2010
1.2. 34th Working Group B Meeting, 15.2.-5.3.10
5.2. 34th Working Group B Meeting, 15.2.-5.3.10
17.2. Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B, 1 March 2010
23.2. Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B, 1 March 2010
16.4. G77 proposal to amend Rule 5 (Observers) of the Rules of Procedure of the Prep Com
20.4. G77 proposal to amend Rule 5 (Observers) of the Rules of Procedure of the Prep Com
18.5. Preparation for Thirty-Seventh Session of WGA (7-9 June 2010) and the Joint Meeting of WGA and WGB (3-4 June 2010), Proposed Informal session of WGB (31 May – 2 June 2010)
21.5. Thirty-Seventh Session of WGA (7-9 June 2010) and the Joint Meeting of WGA and WGB (3-4 June 2010), Proposed Informal session of WGB (31 May – 2 June 2010)
25.5. Thirty-Seventh Session of WGA (7-9 June 2010) and the Joint Meeting of WGA and WGB (3-4 June 2010)
28.5. Thirty-Seventh Session of WGA (7-9 June 2010) and the Joint Meeting of WGA and WGB (3-4 June 2010), Proposed Informal session of WGB (31 May – 2 June 2010)
31.5. Thirty-fourth session of the PrepCom, 28-29 June 2010
15.6. Thrity-fourth session of the PrepCom, 28-29 June 2010
17.6. 34th PrepCom, 28-29 June 2010
22.6. 34th PrepCom, 28-29 June 2010
3.8. Thrity-Fifth Session of WGB (16 August – 3 September 2010)
6.8. Thrity-Fifth Session of WGB (16 August – 3 September 2010)
24.8. Thirty-Fifth Session of WGB (16 August – 3 September 2010)
26.8. Thirty-Fifth Session of WGB (16 August – 3 September 2010)
28.9. Thirty-Eighth Session of WGA, 4-6 October 2010
25.10. 35th session PrepCom, 8-11 November 2010
28.10. 35th session PrepCom, 8-11 November 2010
Working Group Meetings
22.2. Informal Consultations between G77 and EU on Rule 5 (Observer Status)