Report of 2009


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Task forces for the UN Vienna-based Organizations were established in order to ensure better coordination of substantive matters related to the work programme of the various organizations:

See detailed report of activities during 2009


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Chairman of the Task Force: Mr. Bassem Kassem, Second Secretary, PM of Egypt


Plenary meetings

2.2. IAEA: Consultations with H.E. Ambassador Kirsti KAUPPI (Chair of the informal discussions on the future of the IAEA) and briefing by Mr. Even Fontaine Ortiz, Chairman of the JIU on the Activities of the JIU with IAEA and UNIDO and the G77
27.2. Preparations for the March BOG and the future of the IAEA
4.3. The Future of the IAEA
23.4. Preparations for the PBC, starting 27 April 2009 and the future of the Agency
27.5. Presentation to the G77 of Mr. Luis Echávarri, Spanish candidate for the post of DG of the IAEA
12.6. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors, 15-19 June 2009
12.6. Director General of the IAEA, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei open discussion with G77 and NAM on the June Board of Governors
15.6. IAEA Board of Governors G77 and China Statement
3.7. Programme and Budget 2010-2011
2.9. Future of the Agency (Safeguards) and IAEA Board of Governors
20.11. G77 and China statement for the TACC Meeting, 23-25 November 2009
25.11. Board of Governors Meeting November 2009, Working Group on budget 2011


Task Force meetings

18.2. Preparations for the March BOG and the February informal PBC Meeting and future of the IAEA
26.2. Preparations for the March BOG
1.4. Preparations for the PBC, starting 27 April 2009
15.4. Informal briefing for the G77 by Mr. Yuri Sokolov, DDG, Department of Nuclear Energy
21.4. Preparations for the PBC, starting 27 April 2009 and the future of the Agency
12.5. Meeting of the Informal Working Group on the Future of the Agency
15.5. IAEA draft programme and budget for 2010-2011
5.6. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors, 15-19 June 2009
9.6. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors, 15-19 June 2009
10.6. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors, 15-19 June 2009
11.6. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors, 15-19 June 2009
2.7. Programme and Budget 2010-2011
21.7. Briefing by Ms. Anita Niellson, Director, Office of Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security on the draft Nuclear Security Plan 2010 – 2013
12.8. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009, next session of the Working Group on the Future of the Agency on Safeguards, 3-4 September 2009 and Board of Governors, 7-11 September 2009
1.9. IAEA Board of Governors, 7-11 September 2009 and 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009
7.9. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009
5.10. Briefing by the IAEA Secretariat, Ms. D. Magliani, Director, TCPC on RBM in preparation for the next session of the working group on the future of the agency with regard to administration
28.10. Preprations for the forthcoming TACC Meeting, 23-25 November 2009
12.11. Briefing by Ms. Anita Niellson, Director, Office of Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, followed by a G77 Task Force Meeting in preparation of the forthcoming TACC Meeting
16.11. Preparation for TACC Meeting, 23-25 November 2009
24.11. Board of Governors Meeting November 2009, Working Group on Budget 2011


Working Group meetings

13.2. Preparations for the March BOG and the February informal PBC Meeting and future of the IAEA
20.2. Preparations for the March BOG and the February informal PBC Meeting and the future of the IAEA
24.2. Preparations for the March BOG and the future of the IAEA
25.2. Preparations for the March BOG and the future of the IAEA
26.2. Preparations for the March BOG and the February informal PBC Meeting and the future of the IAEA
16.3. Preparations for the PBC, 27-30 April 2009 and the Meeting of the Informal Working Group on the Future of the Agency
20.3. Preparations for the PBC, 27-30 April 2009
26.3. Preparations for the PBC, 27-30 April 2009 and the Meeting of the Informal Working Group on the Future of the Agency
7.4. Preparations for the PBC, starting 27 April 2009, kick-off discussions on the statement for the WGFA
15.4. Preparations for the PBC, starting 27 April 2009 and the future of the Agency
20.4. Preparations for the PBC, starting 27 April 2009 and the future of the Agency
4.5. Meeting of the Informal Working Group on the Future of the Agency
21.5. Preliminary discussions regarding the next session of the BOG and the following session on the future of the Agency
27.5. Informal discussions with Ms. Donatella Magliani, Director TCPC on the future of the agency with regard to technical cooperation
2.6. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors, 15-19 June 2009
4.6. Preparations for the IAEA Board of Governors, 15-19 June 2009
23.6. Future of the Agency and Programme and Budget 2010-2011
24.7. Future of the Agency, Programme and Budget, General Conference preparations
30.7. IAEA Budget Proposal 2010-2011, IAEA Nuclear Security Plan, Next session of the working group on the future of the Agency, 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference
4.8. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference – G77 and China draft resolutions
17.8. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009, next session of the Working Group on the Future of the Agency on Safeguards, 3-4 September 2009 and Board of Governors, 7-11 September 2009
25.8. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009, next session of the Working Group on the Future of the Agency on Safeguards, 3-4 September 2009 and Board of Governors, 7-11 September 2009
28.8. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009, next session of the Working Group on the Future of the Agency on Safeguards, 3-4 September 2009 and Board of Governors, 7-11 September 2009
3.9. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009 – G77 GC resolutions
15.9. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009 – G77 GC resolutions
16.9. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009 – G77 GC resolutions
16.9. 53rd session of the IAEA General Conference, 14-18 September 2009 – consultations with the delegation of Haïti
5.10. Preparations for the next session of the working group on the future of the agency with regard to administration, TACC November meeting, 23-25 November 2009
14.10. Briefing by the TC department on RBM followed by discussions on the G77 position on the introduction of RBM at the country level, TACC November meeting, 23-25 November 2009
19.10. Discussions on the G77 position on the introduction of RBM at the country level, TACC November meeting, 23-25 November 2009
21.10. TACC November meeting, 23-25 November 2009
13.11. Preparation for TACC November meeting, 23-25 November 2009
18.11. Preparations for TACC November meeting, 23-25 November 2009


United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Chairperson of the Task Force: Ms. Supa Tangkittikhun, Minister Counsellor (Industry), PM of Thailand


Plenary meetings

11.2. UNIDO: Turn-over ceremony of the Chairmanship of the G77 Vienna Chapter
4.5. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
7.5. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009, draft conclusion on “Strengthening the role of agro-industries in developing countries”
11.12. UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009


Task Force meetings

15.4. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
21.4. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
24.4. Briefing by Ms. Amita Misra, Director, Financial Services Branch on unutilized balances of appropriations, UNIDO PBC
24.4. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
24.4. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
28.4. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
30.4. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
4.5. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009
6.5. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009, draft conclusion on “Strengthening the role of agro-industries in developing countries”
7.5. UNIDO PBC, 25th session, 5-7 May 2009, draft conclusion on “Strengthening the role of agro-industries in developing countries”
3.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009
9.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009 (Unutilized balances)
10.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009
16.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009
17.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009
19.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009
23.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009 (Item 17)
24.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009 (Item 17)
25.6. Preparations for UNIDO IDB, 36th session, 22-26 June 2009
15.9. Briefing by Mr. Ole Lundby, Special Adviser to the Director-General on the MDGs, on the follow-up of IDB.36/Dec.13
30.9. Discussions on the additional agenda item proposed by the EU for the forthcoming GC, follow-up to the briefing by Mr. Ole Lundby on MDGs
19.10. Discussions on the EU draft resolution on Energy and Environment
29.10. Preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
3.11. Preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
6.11. Preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
11.11. Briefing by Ms. Misra on IPSAS & preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
18.11. Briefing by Mr. Lundby on MDGs & preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
23.11. Preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
26.11. Preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
1.12. Preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
4.12. Preparations for forthcoming UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
7.12. UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
8.12. UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
9.12. UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009
10.12. UNIDO General Conference (13th session), 7-11 December 2009


Working Group Meetings

3.12. G77/EU open-ended Working Group on the GC resolution “Energy and Environment”
4.11. G77/EU open-ended Working Group on the GC resolution “Energy and Environment”


United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)

Chairman of the Task Force: Mr. Ariel Walter Gonzalez, Counsellor, PM of Argentina


Plenary meetings

5.3. CND matters: Draft Political Declaration for the High-level Segment for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
15.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009
24.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009, thematic debate for CCPCJ 19


Task Force meetings

29.1. CND matters: Draft Political Declaration for the High-level Segment for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
4.2. CND matters: Draft Political Declaration for the High-level Segment for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
12.2. CND matters: Draft Political Declaration for the High-level Segment for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
23.2. CND matters: Draft Political Declaration for the High-level Segment for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
25.2. CND matters: Draft Political Declaration for the High-level Segment for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009 and Informal Consultations on UNCAC
3.3. CND matters: Draft Political Declaration for the High-level Segment for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
5.3. UNODC: Administrative and financial matters, proposal of a structure for the Plan of Action
9.3. UNODC: Information meeting on the proposal of a structure for the Plan of Action
13.3. UNODC: Draft resolutions and statement for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
13.3. UNODC: Draft resolutions and statement for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
16.3. UNODC: Draft resolutions and statement for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
17.3. UNODC: Draft resolutions and statement for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
18.3. UNODC: Draft resolutions and statement for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
19.3. UNODC: Draft resolutions and statement for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
20.3. UNODC: Draft resolutions and statement for CND, 52nd session, 11-20 March 2009
7.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009
8.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009
14.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009
16.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009
17.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009
20.4. UNODC: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 18th session, and COW, 16-24 April 2009
19.8. UNODC: Activities during second semester of 2009
7.9. UNODC: Thematic debate for the forthcoming 53rd session of the CND and other matters related to UNODC
29.9. UNODC: Thematic debate for the 53rd CND, thematic debate for the 19th CCPCJ, UNTOC: Meeting of Experts on Implementation and UNTOC: Group of Technical Assistance
6.10. UNODC: Preparation of the first meeting of the Working Group on Governance and Finance (FinGov), Preparation of the meeting of the UNTOC Working Group on Trafficking of Persons
9.10. UNODC: Thematic debate of the 53rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
15.10. UNODC: Thematic debate of the 53rd session of the CND, First meeting of the WG on Governance and Finance (FinGov), thematic debate of the subthemes for 19th CCPCJ
21.10. UNODC: Thematic debate of the subthemes for 19th CCPCJ
30.10. G77 and China draft statement for UNCAC-3
24.11. UNODC: Expert Meeting on Illicit Trafficking and Cultural Property


Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)

Chairperson of the Task Force: Ms. Talent D. G. Molaba, Minister Counsellor, South Africa


Plenary meetings

11.2. CTBTO: 32nd session of Working Group B, 9-27 Feburary 2009
8.5. CTBTO: Draft statements for Working Group A Meeting, Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B and Working Group B Meeting 10-15 May 2009

Task Force meetings

21.1. CTBTO: Consultations on Article XIV Conference and G77 CTBTO Coordination for 2009
2.2. CTBTO: 32nd session of Working Group B, 9-27 Feburary 2009
4.2. CTBTO: 32nd session of Working Group B, 9-27 Feburary 2009
6.2. CTBTO: 32nd session of Working Group B, 9-27 Feburary 2009
16.2. CTBTO: 10th Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B
17.2. CTBTO: 10th Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B
26.2. CTBTO: 32nd session of Working Group B and results of the 10th Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B
25.3. CTBTO: Exchange of views regarding Work Programme of WGA and WGB, discussions with representatives of the PTS, WGB May 2009
29.4. CTBTO: Initial draft budget proposal for 2010, proposal for additional appropriations for the CIF
29.4. CTBTO: Draft statements for Working Group A Meeting, Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B and Working Group B Meeting 10-15 May 2009
6.5. CTBTO: Draft statements for Working Group A Meeting, Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B and Working Group B Meeting 10-15 May 2009
15.5. CTBTO: Initial draft budget proposal for 2010, proposal for additional appropriations for the CIF
29.5. CTBTO: DPRK and preparations for Prep Com, 32nd session, 14-15 June 2009
3.6. CTBTO Prep Com, 32nd session, 14-15 June 2009
30.6. Informal discussions with Mr. Jean du Preez, Chief, External Relations and International Cooperation Section, Legal and External Relations Division, Preparatory work for CTBTO WGB, 33rd session – 17/8 – 4/9/09 and Observer status during CTBT PrepCom
7.8. CTBTO: WGB, 33rd session – 17/8 – 4/9/09
11.8. CTBTO: WGB, 33rd session – 17/8 – 4/9/09
18.8. CTBTO: WGB, 33rd session – 17/8 – 4/9/09 and joint session of WGA and WGB, 31/8/09 and Rule 5
24.8. CTBTO: Joint session of WGA and WGB, 31/8/09 and Rule 5
3.9. CTBTO: Discussions with Chair of WGB on the schedule and the number of meetings during 2010
24.9. CTBTO: Preparations for WGA, 36th session, 5-9 October 2009
28.9. CTBTO: Preparations for WGA, 36th session, 5-9 October 2009
29.9. CTBTO: Preparations for WGA, 36th session, 5-9 October 2009
3.11. CTBTO: Preparatory Commission, 33rd session 16-19 November 09 – preparation of the G77 and China draft statement
10.11. CTBTO: Preparatory Commission, 33rd session 16-19 November 09 – preparation of the G77 and China draft statement
17.11. CTBTO: Preparatory Commission, 33rd session 16-19 November 09 – Agenda Item 7 – Chairmanship of WGA


Working Group Meetings

7.4. CTBTO: Exchange of views for inputs for informal meeting with PTS
4.5. CTBTO: Draft statements for Working Group A Meeting, Joint Meeting of Working Groups A and B and Working Group B Meeting 10-15 May 2009