Report 2024


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First, second, third and fourth quarter of 2024

Task forces for the UN Vienna-based Organizations were established in order to ensure better coordination of substantive matters related to the work programme of the various organizations:

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Mohammed MOUSSAOUI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Algeria


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

1.02.2024 IAEA informal meeting of the Programme and Budget Committee (PBC) (6 February 2024)

22.02.2024 IAEA Board of Governors, (4-8 March 2024)

26.02.2024 IAEA Board of Governors, (4-8 March 2024)

18.03.2024 2nd Informal Open-Ended Consultations on the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme (25 March 2024)

04.04.2024 Briefing by Ms. Lydie Evrard, Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security (NS) at IAEA and representatives of the Department

23.04.2024 IAEA Board of Governors: Programme and Budget Committee (6 – 8 May)

17.05.2024 IAEA Board of Governors, (3-7 June 2024)

13.06.2024 Informal open-ended consultations on the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme (26-28 November 2024)

24.06.2024 Group’s position on the IAEA 68th regular session of the General Conference (G-77 draft resolutions)

Working Group meetings


United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Marco MARTINEZ, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Chile


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

06.05.2024 Programme and Budget Committee, 40th session (10-11 June 2024)

22.05.2024 Programme and Budget Committee, 40th session (10-11 June 2024)

27.05.2024 Programme and Budget Committee, 40th session (10-11 June 2024)

04.06.2024 Programme and Budget Committee, 40th session (10-11 June 2024)

05.06.2024 Programme and Budget Committee, 40th session (10-11 June 2024)

Working Group meetings


United Nations Office at Vienna (UNODC)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Carlos SANCHEZ DEL AGUILA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Peru


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

06.03.2024 Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 67th session: High-Level Segment (14 March – 15 March 2024)

08.03.2024 Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 67th session: High-Level Segment (14 March – 15 March 2024)

23.04.2024 Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 33rd session (13 – 17 May 2024)

29.04.2024 Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 33rd session (13 – 17 May 2024)

06.05.2024 Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 33rd session (13 – 17 May 2024)

28.06.2024 Briefing by Ms. Floriane Bacconnier, Head of INTERPOL Permanent Observer Office to the United Nations in Vienna.


Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Hasan ABBAS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Pakistan  


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

22.01.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, 61st session (29 January- 9 February 2024)

24.01.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, 61st session (29 January- 9 February 2024)

25.01.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, 61st session (29 January- 9 February 2024)

02.02.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, 61st session (29 January- 9 February 2024)

26.03.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Legal Subcommittee, 63rd session (15 April – 26 April 2024)

28.03.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Legal Subcommittee, 63rd session (15 April – 26 April 2024)

03.06.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 67th session (19-28 June 2024)

21.06.2024 Communication by Mr Sergey Belousko, Head of Section, Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control, MFA of Russia, to meet with the G-77 to discuss a wide range of issues related to COPUOS.

Working Group Meetings


United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Erik MANGAJAYA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Indonesia


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

16.04.2024 Briefing on Streamlining the UNCITRAL Omnibus Resolution and Establishment of the advisory centre on international investment law

23.05.2024 Briefing by Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade (UNCITRAL)

07.06.2024 Preparation for the upcoming meeting convened by UNCITRAL Secretariat on streamlining future UNCITRAL omnibus resolutions (12 June 2024)

Working Group meetings



Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Nortin TITUS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Namibia


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

18.04.2024 Briefing on Appointments to the Advisory Group at the Resumed 61st session of the Preparatory Commission

Working Group meetings

06.02.2024 CTBTO Working Group B, 62nd session (29 February- 1 March 2024)

12.02.2024 CTBTO Working Group B, 62nd session (29 February- 1 March 2024)

14.05.2024 CTBTO Working Group A, 65th session (27 – 28 May 2024)

21.05.2024 CTBTO Working Group A, 65th session (27 – 28 May 2024)

22.05.2024 CTBTO Working Group A, 65th session (27 – 28 May 2024)

10.06.2024 CTBTO Preparatory Commission, 62nd (24-26 June 2024)

Plenary Meetings

23.02.2024 G-77 Plenary Meeting

28.02.2024 Handover Ceremony of the G-77 Vienna Chapter Chairmanship

16.05.2024 G-77 Plenary Meeting

25.06.2024 G-77 Plenary Meeting