Report 2024


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First, second, third and fourth quarter of 2024

Task forces for the UN Vienna-based Organizations were established in order to ensure better coordination of substantive matters related to the work programme of the various organizations:

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Mohammed MOUSSAOUI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Algeria


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings


Working Group meetings


United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Marco MARTINEZ, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Chile 


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings


Working Group meetings


United Nations Office at Vienna (UNODC)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Carlos SANCHEZ DEL AGUILA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Peru  


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

06.03.2024 Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 67th session: High level Segment (14 March – 15 March 2024)

Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Hasan ABBAS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Pakistan  


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings

22.01.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, 61st session (29 January- 9 February 2024)

24.01.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, 61st session (29 January- 9 February 2024)

25.01.2024 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, 61st session (29 January- 9 February 2024)

Working Group Meetings


United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Erik MANGAJAYA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Indonesia 


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings


Working Group meetings



Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)

Task Force Leader: Mr. Nortin TITUS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Namibia


Plenary meetings


Task Force meetings


Working Group meetings


Plenary Meetings