The office provides support services for the preparation of meetings for the Vienna-based organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).
The office serves as an institutional memory of the G-77 and China to members of the Group, keeps documents and minutes of meetings (regularly prepared by the office) and other relevant information for Member States to consult. This service is of particular relevance for missions accredited to the Vienna-based organizations but based in other locations.
On 4 February 2025, the outgoing Chairperson H.E. Ms. Laura Gil, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Colombia, handed over the Chairmanship of the Group for 2025 to H.E. Mr. Maurice Makoloo, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Kenya. A video statement was delivered by Dr. Kokir Sing’oei , Principal Secretary, State Department for foreign affairs, Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs of the Republic of Kenya. Statements were delivered by Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Mr. Gerd Müller, Director General UNIDO, Mr. Hua Liu, Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation, IAEA, Mr. Junan Zhang, Director the Legal and External Relations, CTBTO, Mr. Driss El Hadani, Deputy Director, UNOOSA, and Ms. Samira Musayeva, Senior Legal Officer, UNCITRAL .
On 28 February 2024, the outgoing Chairperson H.E. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan, handed over the Chairmanship of the Group for 2024 to H.E. Ms. Laura GIL, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Colombia. A video statement was delivered by H.E. Mr. Jalil Abbas Jilani, Foreign Minister of Pakistan. Statements were delivered by Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Mr. Gerd Müller, Director General UNIDO, Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General IAEA, Mr. Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO, Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary UNCITRAL, and Ms. Aarti Holla, Director of UNOOSA.
On 26 January 2023, the outgoing Chairperson H.E. Mr. Azzeddine Farhane, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Morocco, handed over the Chairmanship of the Group for 2023 to H.E. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan. Statements were delivered by Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Mr. Gerd Müller, Director General UNIDO, Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General IAEA, Mr Junan Zhang, Director of Legal and External Relations Division CTBTO, Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary UNCITRAL, and Mr. Niklas Hedman, Acting Director UNOOSA.
On 26 January 2022 The outgoing Chairperson H.E. Mr. Alejandro Solano Ortiz, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Costa Rica handed over the Chairmanship of the Group for 2022 to H.E. Mr. Azzeddine Farhane, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Morocco. Statements were delivered by Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Mr. Gerd Müller, Director General UNIDO, Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General IAEA, Dr. Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary CTBTO.
In the course of 2021 a total of 98 G-77 meetings were held – 22 on UNIDO, 45 on IAEA, 12 on UNODC, 5 on UNOOSA, 3 on UNCITRAL and 11 on CTBTO matters.
On 15 January 2021 On behalf of the outgoing Chairperson Ms. Maria Cleofe Natividad the former Ambassador of the Philippiness, Ms. Carmela Teresa A. Cabreira, Chargé d’Affaires, of the Philippines handed over the Chairmanship to H.E. Ambassador Alejandro Solano Ortiz of Costa Rica for 2021. Statements were delivered by Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Mr. LI Yong, Director General UNIDO, Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General IAEA, Mr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary CTBTO, Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary, UNICTRAL and Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director UNOOSA. Delegations praised the achievements made by the outgoing Chairperson, Ms. Natividad, who chaired the Group in the second half of 2020 and by H.E. Ambassador Ganeson Sivagurunathan, Permanent Representative of Malaysia, who chaired the Group in the first six months of 2020.
On 12 February 2020 H.E. Omar Amer Youssef, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Egypt handed over the Chairmanship to H.E. Ambassador Ganeson Sivagurunathan, Permanent Representative of Malaysia for the first half of the year. H.E. Ambassador Maria Cleofe Natividad, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Philippines will chair the Group from July to December 2020. Statements were delivered by Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Mr. LI Yong, Director General UNIDO, Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General IAEA and Mr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary CTBTO.
On 30 January 2019 Ms. Verónica Gomez-Ricaurte, Chargé d’Affaires handed over the Chairmanship to H.E. Omar Amer Youssef, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Egypt. Statements were delivered by Mr. LI Yong, DG UNIDO, Mr. Yukiya Amano, DG IAEA, Mr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary CTBTO and Mr. Dennis Thatchaichawalit Deputy Director-General of UNOV and Director Division for Management United Nations Office at Vienna.
On 9 March 2018, H.E. Ambassador Carlos Játiva, Permanent Representative of Ecuador assumed the Chairmanship of the Vienna Chapter, following H.E. Ambassador Reza Najafi, Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Statements were delivered by Mr. Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, DDG UNIDO, Mr. Yukiya Amano, DG IAEA, Mr Xiaoning Wang Director, Legal and External Relations Division CTBTO and Mr. Dennis Thatchaichawalit Deputy Director-General of UNOV and Director, Division for Management United Nations Office at Vienna
During the year 2018, the Group held 122 groups meetings: 20 on UNIDO, 55 on IAEA, 6 on UNODC, 26 on COPUOS and 12 on CTBTO matters. UNIDO is currently financing the G-77 office.
On 24 February 2017, H.E. Ambassador Reza Najafi, Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran assumed the Chairmanship of the Vienna Chapter after H.E. Ambassador Simon Madjumo Maruta from Namibia. Statements were delivered Executive Heads of the Vienna-based Organizations, namely by Mr. LI Yong, DG UNIDO, Mr. Yukiya Amano, DG IAEA, Mr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary CTBTO and Mr. Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director DPA/OD UNODC
In the year 2017, the Group held 115 meetings: 32 on UNIDO, 59 on IAEA, 17 on UNODC and 7 on CTBTO matters. UNIDO is currently financing the G-77 office.
On 11 February 2016, H.E. Mr. Ambassador Mr. Simon Madjumo Maruta, Permanent Representative of Namibia took over the Chairmanship of the Group H.E. Mr. Ambassador Armin Andereya, Permanent Representative of Chile. Statements were delivered by Mr. LI Yong, DG UNIDO, Mr. Yukiya Amano, DG IAEA, Mr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary CTBTO and Mr. Aldo Lale-Demoz, UNODC Deputy Executive Director and Director of the Division for Operations of UNODC, and H.E. Ambassador Mr. Arthayudh Srisamoot, Permanent Representative of Thailand
During 2016, the Group held 103 meetings: 17 on UNIDO, 53 on IAEA, 23 on UNODC and 10 on CTBTO matters.
On 17 February 2015, H.E. Ambassador Mr. Armin Andereya Latorre, Permanent Representative of Chile assumed the Chairmanship after H.E. Ambassador Ms. Lourdes O. Yparraguirre. Statements were delivered by Mr. Y. Amano, DG IAEA, Mr. T. Nishikawa, DDG UNIDO, Mr. J.-L. Lemahieu, Director DPA/OD UNODC and Mr. LI Genxin, Director, LEG/ER CTBTO
During 2015 the Group held 107 meetings: 21 on UNIDO, 50 on IAEA, 20 on UNODC and 16 on CTBTO matters.
On 22 January 2014, H.E. Ambassador Mr. Aliyar Lebbe Abdul Azeez, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka took over the Chairmanship of the Group after H.E. Ambassador Mr. Mahmoud Hassan Elamin from Sudan . Statements are available of the Director General, Mr. LI Yong of UNIDO and the Executive Secretary, Mr. Lassina Zerbo of CTBTO. On 16 July 2014 H.E. Ambassador Ms. Lourdes O. Yparraguirre, Permanent Representative of the Philippines Reassumed the Chairmanship of the G-77 for the second half of 2014.
During 2014 the Group held 117 meetings: 25 on UNIDO, 51 on IAEA, 28 on UNODC and 13 on CTBTO matters.
On 14 February 2013 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Mahmoud Hassan Elamin, Permanent Representative of the Sudan assumed the Chairmanship of the Group of 77 Vienna Chapter after H.E. Ambassador Antonio García from Peru
During 2013 the Group held 122 meetings: 34 on UNIDO, 44 on IAEA, 27 on UNODC and 17 on CTBTO matters.
On 19 January 2012 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Antonio García Revilla, Permanent Representative of Peru took over the Chairmanship from Ambassador Mr. Soltanieh for the year 2012
During the year 2012 the Group held 114 meetings: 28 on UNIDO, 38 on IAEA, 30 on UNODC and 18 on CTBTO matters.
On 26 January 2011 H.E. Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh , Permanent Representative of the IR of Iran assumed the Chairmanship of the Group for 2011.
During 2011 the Group held 161 meetings: 33 on UNIDO, 56 on IAEA, 49 on UNODC and 23 on CTBTO maters.
On 26 January 2010 H.E. Ambassador Ms. Taous Feroukhi, Permanent Representative of Algeria took over the Chairmanship for the year 2010.
During 2010 the Group held 167 meetings: 18 on UNIDO, 69 on IAEA, 54 on UNODC and 26 on CTBTO matters.
On 11 February 2009, in the presence of Mr. Kandeh Yumkella, Director-General of UNIDO, H.E. Ambassador Eugenio María Curia, Permanent Representative of Argentina has assumed the Chairmanship of the Group of 77 Vienna Chapter for the year 2009 (statements of H.E. Ambassador Mr. Shahbaz and H.E. Ambassador Mr. Eugenio María Curia during the turnover ceremony).
During 2009 the Group held 170 meetings: 41 on UNIDO, 66 on IAEA, 33 on UNODC and 30 on CTBTO matters.
On 22 January 2008 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Shahbaz, Permanent Representative of Pakistan was entrusted with the Chairmanship of the Vienna Chapter for the year 2008.
In the course of 2008, 155 G77 meetings were held: 46 on IAEA, 33 on UNIDO, 44 on UNODC and 32 on CTBTO matters.
On 26 January 2007 H.E. Ambassador Ms. Sayed Galal E. Elamin, Permanent Representative of Sudan has taken up the Chairmanship of the Group of 77 Vienna Chapter for the year 2007
During the year 2007, 160 G77 meetings were held: 54 on IAEA, 35 on UNIDO, 41 on UNODC and 30 on CTBTO matters.
On 23 January 2006 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Horacio Bazoberry Otero, Permanent Representative of Bolivia has assumed the Chairmanship of the Vienna Chapter for the year 2006.
The Office of the G-77 serviced during the year 2006 – 126 meetings: 47 on IAEA, 29 on UNIDO, 12 on UNOV and 38 on CTBTO matters.
On 18 February 2005 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Thomas Aquino Samodra Sriwidjaja, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia has been endorsed by the Group of 77 as its new Chairman. On 13 July 2005 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Sheel Kant Sharma, Permanent Representative of India has taken up his duties as Chairman of the Vienna Chapter for the rest of the year 2005.
During 2005 the Vienna Chapter held 134 meetings: 43 on UNIDO, 44 on IAEA, 27 on UNOV and 20 on CTBTO matters.
On 13 January 2004 H.E. Ambassador Ms. Taous Feroukhi, Permanent Representative of Algeria took over the Chairmanship of the G-77 Vienna Chapter. The offices of the Group are located in the Vienna International Center (VIC – D1073).
During the year 2004 the Vienna Chapter serviced 134 meetings: 27 on UNIDO, 45 on IAEA, 32 on UNOV and 30 on CTBTO matters.
On 20 January 2003 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Roberto Abdenur, Permanent Representative of Brazil has taken over the Chairmanship for the year 2003 of the Vienna Chapter.
The Vienna Chapter serviced during the year 2003 – 139 meetings: 23 on UNIDO, 69 on IAEA, 28 on UNOV and 19 on CTBTO matters.
On 8 January 2002 the Chairmanship was handed over to H.E. Ambassador Mr. Victor G. Garcia III, Permanent Representative of the Philippines, who chaired the Vienna Chapter during the year 2002.
During the year 2002 the G-77 Vienna Chapter serviced 143 meetings: 22 on UNIDO, 49 on IAEA, 41 on UNOV and 31 on CTBTO matters.
On 16 March 2001 H.E. Ambassador Sameh Hassan Shoukry, Permanent Representative of Egypt took over the Chairmanship from Algeria for the year 2001.
In the year 2001 the G-77 Vienna Chapter serviced 116 meetings: 37 on UNIDO, 57 on IAEA, 17 on UNOV and 5 on CTBTO matters.
For the year 2000 – H.E. Ambassador Mr. Fructuoso Pittaluga-Fonseca, Permanent Representative of Uruguay assumed the Chairmanship of the G-77. On 20 December 2000, the G-77 endorsed H.E. Ambassador Mohktar Reguieg, Permanent Representative of Algeria as its new Chairman for the year 2001.
During the year 2000 the Vienna Chapter serviced 108 meetings: 36 on UNIDO, 53 on the IAEA, and 19 on UNOV related matters.
On 18 December 1998, the Group appointed H.E. Ambassador Mr. Yogesh M. Tiwari, Permanent Representative of India as its new Chairman for 1999.
During the year 1999 the Office serviced 86 meetings: 15 on UNIDO, 47 on IAEA, 19 on UNOV and 5 on CTBTO issues.
From May to December 1998 the Office of the Vienna Chapter serviced 31 meetings: 11 dealing with UNIDO, 20 with the IAEA and 1 with UNOV. Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, visited the office on 29 June 1998. The premises of the Vienna Chapter of the G-77 were inaugurated on 19 May 1998 by the Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Mr. Carlos Magariños, and the Chairperson of the Chapter, H.E. Ambassador Ms. Nozipho Mxakato-Diseko, Permanent Representative of South Africa. _