Spirit of Excellence Award


(French text)


Doha, 14 June 2005 --- The Executive Secretary of the Group of 77, Mr. Mourad Ahmia, was honored today with the 2005 Spirit of Excellence Award-Emerging Leader for Global Public Service by the Canada-based Institute for Leadership Development, a specialized institution of the World Trade University Global Secretariat in Canada.

The Award ceremony took place as a side event during the ongoing Second South Summit of the Group of 77 which is taking place in Doha, Qatar.

Mr. Ahmia was selected by a number of distinguished citizens who themselves have had highest international reputation in global public service and their decision acknowledges his longstanding contribution in support of the work of the Group of 77 and promoting the interests of the developing nations in the United Nations.

The President and CEO of the World Trade University Global Secretariat, Mr. Sujit Chowdhury, stated that "this event celebrates hope and inspiration of an emerging leader in the international public service. More than ever, public service requires commitment, dedication, perseverance and performance. Mr. Ahmia fulfills these qualities in his coordinating role within the Group of 77".

Upon acceptance of the Award, Mr. Ahmia said that he was particularly humbled to be the recipient of such a prestigious Award because “I strongly believe that this Award goes beyond the recognition of my modest commitment within the Group of 77 to the best interests of our developing nations”. I dedicate my own nomination to the millions of young leaders who flourish throughout the South at a time when our countries have to face important political, economic and social challenges”, he added. (Full text of acceptance remarks).

The event was attended by a number of personalities, including Ambassador Anwarulkarim Chowdhury, United Nations Under-Secretary General for the Least Developed Countries and Landlocked Countries; Mr. Yash tendon; Executive Director of the South Centre; Mr. Luis Fernando Jaramillo; Convener of the South Centre Council of Representatives; Professor M.H.A. Hassan, Executive Director of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS); and Mr. Zhou Yiping, Director of the Special Unit on South-South cooperation. Several delegations from the Member States of the Group of 77 attending the Summit were also represented.

Mr. Mourad Ahmia is an Algerian-born diplomatic adviser and career diplomat who joined the Foreign Service at age 20. He has been serving as the Executive Secretary of the Group of 77 in New York since April 2000. Since 1994, he was seconded formally by the Algerian Government and served as Coordinator of the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 in New York. In that capacity, he directed the preparatory processes for a number of high-level G-77 conferences that led to the first ever G-77 South Summit in Havana, Cuba, in April 2000, and during which he was appointed as the First Executive Secretary of the G-77. During his diplomatic career, Mr. Ahmia served as Diplomatic adviser in the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and attended many international conferences and summits in the South as an expert in international economic, social and environment issues.

Mr. Ahmia has served as an active member on the Board of many international foundations. He is currently the President of the International Secretariat of the Trieste System for Science and Technology as well as Honorary Member of the International Foundation for Scientific Progress and Freedom in Trieste. He was conferred with many awards and decorations mostly by the Governments of the Member States of the G-77.

The World Trade University (WTU) was launched in partnership with the United Nations on the occasion of the 3 rd United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries, held in Brussels, in May 2001.

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