Results of PGTF - Project INT/22/K04

Submitter: China-Africa Business Council, based in Beijing, China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Health
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Angola, China, Ethiopia, and Uganda)
PGTF input: US$ 34,000
Other inputs: US$ 40,000
Number: INT/22/K04
Duration: One (1) year
Approval: 45th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 30 November 2021)
Completion: Final report submitted on 21 May 2024
Impact: The project on how digital health promotes health system development in Africa, focusing on Uganda, Angola, and Ethiopia, underscores significant strides in integrating technology within healthcare frameworks. The growth in healthy life expectancy and urbanization, coupled with a booming middle class, underscores an increasing demand for medical services. Digital health, exemplified by medical imaging centers, has shown promise in addressing disparities in healthcare access and efficiency. The rapid adoption of over 120 technology-based solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the agility and innovative capacity of African governments. The support from Chinese entities has further boosted the development of digital health infrastructures. This project, through desk research and field visits, suggests the creation of new policies, tools, and financing models to enhance the affordability and sustainability of these services, aiming for a broader reach and more substantial impact on the health systems in these countries.

Contact:   Contact person: Bai Xiaofeng
Address: A-2016, Jia No. 2 Wangjing Zhonghuan South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Telephone: +86 10 64169879
Fax: +86 10 64169811
Email: baixiaofeng @

Final Report:

    • INT-22-K04-FinalReport.pdf  *  [Language: English; Size: 3182KB]

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      * Note: The reports posted have been prepared by the submitting institutions and their content is the sole responsibility of their authors. Please forward any inquiries or requests for further information to the contact person provided and kindly send a copy to the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 for our records.