Results of PGTF - Project INT/20/K18

Submitter: Al-Huson College of the Al-Balqa Applied University, based in Irbid, Jordan
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia)
PGTF input: US$ 25,000
Other inputs: US$ 32,000
Number: INT/20/K18
Duration: Eighteen (18) months
Approval: 43rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2019)
Completion: Final report submitted on 21 May 2024
Impact: The project studied the environmental challenges associated with the recycling and reuse of olive mill waste (OMW) in food and agriculture, emphasizing the need for a cooperative and transparent management strategy across Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia. National reports from these countries highlight a data shortage, underscoring the necessity for better data collection and analysis. Research indicates that treated OMW can enhance plant growth and soil health, with specific concentrations of fermented OMW improving pod production and chlorophyll content in plants. Various filtration methods have proven effective in reducing contamination and enhancing germination rates and seedling growth, while the use of chicken manure in treatment processes significantly boosts biogas and methane production. Advances in nanoparticle technology also show promise in improving waste treatment efficiency, pointing towards innovative solutions for sustainable OMW management in the region.

Contact:   Contact person: Prof. Kamel Alzboon
Address: PO Box 50, Al-Huson-Irbid (21510) Jordan
Telephone: +962 777-426557
Fax: +962 27010397
Email: alzboon @; kalzboon @

Final Report:

    • INT-20-K18-FinalReport.pdf  *  [Language: English; Size: 6043KB]

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      * Note: The reports posted have been prepared by the submitting institutions and their content is the sole responsibility of their authors. Please forward any inquiries or requests for further information to the contact person provided and kindly send a copy to the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 for our records.