This gallery of photographs represents a testimony of the endurance and continued vitality of the Group of 77 in New York and also a recognition of the valuable support that each presiding country has provided to the Group through the personal commitment and leadership of its distinguished chairperson in achieving the goals and principles of the Group of 77 towards a more prosperous and peaceful world order.

India (1970-1971)

Ambassador Samar Sen (India), a former Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, served as Liaison Officer of the Government of India to the United Nations from 1946-1948. He was chairman of the International Supervision and Control Commission in Laos. Ambassador Sen was head of mission in Algiers, Canberra, Wellington, Beirut and Islamabad, and served as Joint Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi from 1957 to 1959. Currently Ambassador Sen is the President of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal.

Peru (1971-1972)

Ambassador Javier Perez de Cuellar (Peru), a former Permanent Representative to the United Nations, served as Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs in 1979 and served two terms as U.N. Secretary-General during 1982-1992. A career diplomat from the Peruvian foreign service, he also headed his country’s diplomatic missions in Switzerland, the former Soviet Union, Poland and Venezuela. Perez de Cuellar is holder of several decorations and recipient of various prizes and distinctions.

Egypt (1972-1973)

Ambassador Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid (Egypt), served as Permanent Representative of Egypt to the U.N. from 1972-1983. A former deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, he has also served as Egypt’s Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs. He served as career diplomat at the Egyptian embassies/missions in Geneva, Paris and London . Currently he is Secretary-General of the League of Arab States headquartered in Cairo.

Iran (1973-1974)

Ambassador Feredoun Hoveyda (Iran) was Under Secretary of State for International and Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following a 12-year stint with UNESCO as a program specialist in Mass Communications. Ambassador Hoveyda, who served in various positions in the Iranian government, earned advanced degrees in political economy and law from the University of Paris. He is the author of numerous books on international affairs.

Mexico (1974-1975)

The late Ambassador Alfonso Garcia Robles (Mexico) was Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and chairman of Mexico’s delegation to the General Assembly from the 19th to the 25th sessions. He also held the post of Director in the Political Affairs Division of the U.N. Secretariat serving as Principal Secretary of the Special Committee on Palestine and Secretary of the Adhoc Committee on the Palestine Question. Author of many books on international affairs, he was co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace for 1982.

Madagascar (1975-1976)

Ambassador Joseph Albert Blaise Rabetafika (Madagascar) was Permanent Delegate to UNESCO in Paris before his appointment as the Permanent Representative of Madagascar to the United Nations. An academic by profession, he was Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1960 he was a member of the Madagascar delegation in the independence negotiations with France. He was technical adviser in the Office of the President. Ambassador Rabetafika retired in September 1992.

Pakistan (1976-1977)

Iqbal Akhund (Pakistan), a former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General (1979-1987) and head of the Centre Against Apartheid, was a career diplomat who served as ambassador to Egypt, Yugoslavia and France. He was also the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Resident Coordinator in Lebanon and Chairman of the Security Council Committee on Sanctions against Rhodesia. He was Foreign Affairs Adviser to Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto (1988-1990).

Jamaica (1977-1978)

Ambassador Donald Mills (Jamaica), a member of the Jamaican civil service, was president of both ECOSOC and the Security Council during his tenure as Permanent Representative to the United Nations. A member of the North-South Roundtable, he is a Lecturer at the University of the West Indies. Ambassador Mills served as Executive Chairman of the Jamaican Center for International Affairs as well as the Government’s Environment Board (1989-1993).

Tunisia (1978-1979)

Ambassador Mahmoud Mestiri (Tunisia), a former Secretary-General of the Foreign Ministry and Minister for Foreign Affairs, is a career diplomat who served as ambassador to Egypt, the former USSR, Poland, former West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourgh, Zaire and the European Economic Community (EEC), was Head of the U.N. Special Mission to Afghanistan.

India (1979-1980)

Ambassador Brajesh Chandra Mishra (India), a former Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs and later Under-Secretary, joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1951 and served in his country’s diplomatic missions in Jakarta, Beijing, Brussels and Karachi. From 1973 to 1977, he served also as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Venezuela (1980-1981)

The late Ambassador Manuel Perez-Guerrero (Venezuela), who served as Secretary-General of UNCTAD in the late 1960s and early 1970s, held four different ministerial posts, namely Finance, Planning, International Economic Affairs and Mines and Hydrocarbons. He also played a decisive role in the establishment of OPEC in 1960 and the nationalization of the Venezuelan oil industry in 1975. In 1975-1977 he was Co-Chairman of the Conference on International Economic Cooperation (the so-called North-South Dialogue), held in Paris.

Algeria (1981-1982)

Ambassador Mohammed Bedjaoui (Algeria), currently President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, was Secretary-General of the Algerian government and later Minister of Justice. He was the Legal Advisor to the provisional government of the Republic of Algeria from 1958 to 1961. He also served as Algerian Ambassador to Paris and was Permanent Delegate of Algeria to UNESCO. Judge Bedjaoui is the author of numerous books and essays, holder of several decorations and recipient of various prizes and distinctions.

Bangladesh (1982-1983)

Ambassador Farooq Sobhan (Bangladesh), a career diplomat and currently Foreign Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dhaka, has served in Cairo, Paris, Belgrade, Moscow, New York, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing and New Delhi. He was also chairman of the U.N. Commission on Transnational Corporations.

Mexico (1983-1984)

Ambassador Porfirio Muñoz-Ledo (Mexico) was a former Special Assistant to the President of Mexico and a Professor of Law and Politics. He also served as Secretary for Labour and Social Security and Minister of Public Education. Currently he is president of a major political party in Mexico (P.R.D.).

Egypt (1984-1985)

Ambassador Ahmed Tawfik Khalil (Egypt), a former Under Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, served as ambassador to Belgium, Finland and Poland. A career diplomat with Egypt's foreign service, he also had diplomatic postings in London, Pretoria, Rome and the United Nations in New York.

Yugoslavia (1985-1986)

Ambassador Ignac Golob (Slovenia), a career diplomat who served in Lebanon, Iraq and India under the Foreign Service of the former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. Since 1993 Ambassador Golob is serving as State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Slovenia.

Guatemala (1987)

Ambassador Fernando Andrade Diaz-Duran (Guatemala), a former Foreign Minister, served as Permanent Representative of his country to the Organization of American States (OAS), and was President of the OAS Permanent Council. A lawyer by profession, currently he is Ambassador of Guatemala in London.

Tunisia (1988)

Ambassador Ahmed Ghezal (Tunisia), a former Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has also served as Chef de Cabinet to the Foreign Minister and Director for Political Affairs. He was also Tunisia's ambassador to Austria and Hungary. Currently he is Diplomatic Advisor in the Office of the President of Tunisia.

Malaysia (1989)

Ambassador Razali Ismail (Malaysia) is a career diplomat who has served in diplomatic missions in India, France, UK and Laos. He has held ambassadorial posts in Poland and India. He was twice President of the Security Council. Currently, he is President of the 51st session of the General Assembly.

Bolivia (1990)

Ambassador Hugo Navajas Mogro (Bolivia) was Assistant Administrator, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean and also Director of Programme Policy at UNDP. He also served as UNDP Resident Representative in Uruguay, Argentina, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela.

Ghana (1991)

Ambassador Kofi Awoonor (Ghana), an academic and a prolific writer, was an Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. A recipient of several awards for his published works, he held visiting professorships in New York and Michigan.


Pakistan (1992)

Ambassador Jamsheed Marker (Pakistan), who was his country's Permanent Representative both in New York and Geneva, has also held ambassadorial posts in Washington, France, Germany, Canada, Romania, Bulgaria, Ghana, Guinea and Mali.

Colombia (1993)

Ambassador Luis Fernando Jaramillo (Colombia) was both Foreign Minister and Vice- President of Colombia. Before his appointment as Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 1992, he also held various positions in the Government including Minister of Public Works and Transportation and acting Minister of Development and acting Minister of Mines and Energy. In September 1995 Ambassador Jaramillo was appointed Convenor of the Council of Representatives of the South Centre headquartered in Geneva.

Algeria (1994)

Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra (Algeria), a career diplomat who served as ambassador to Austria and Ethiopia, has been his country's Permanent Representative to the U.N. Office in Vienna, UNIDO, IAEA, the OAU, ECA and the United Nations in New York. Ambassador Lamamra led the Algerian delegation at various international conferences and held various positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Director of the Press and Information Department and Spokesman. Currently he is Algeria’s ambassador to the United States.