AN APPEAL OF THE SOUTH SUMMIT TO THE USA We, the Heads of State and Government of the Group of 77 and China, assembled here in Havana for the historic First South Summit, consider it our moral and fraternal duty to address a sincere appeal to the Government of the United States of America to immediately lift the economic embargo imposed on the Republic of Cuba since 1960. We also believe that the economic embargo, which has lasted too long, serves no other purpose than to preserve tension between two neighbouring countries and impose untold hardship and suffering on the people of Cuba, especially women and children. We are convinced that the replacement of the embargo with greater dialogue and co-operation will contribute greatly not only towards the removal of tension between them but also promote meaningful exchange and partnership between two countries whose destinies are linked by history and geography. We, therefore, urge the U.S. Government to show magnanimity by responding positively to this appeal. Havana, Cuba, 14 April 2000 ______ |