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This intervention represents the collective voice of the 134-member Group of 77 and China.
We thank the Co-facilitators for the leadership shown since the beginning of this intergovernmental process. We believe that we are making impressive progress in laying the foundation for the zero-draft based on which inter-governmental negotiations will commence in earnest in the coming month.
As we are all aware a number of issues in the process remain outstanding. We have called for the inclusion of the introductory part (chapeau) of the SDGs Report and the reservations entered by Member States that form part of this Report. The Group would like to better understand the modalities of this exercise and get an assurance that the zero-draft will incorporate the said elements of the Report.
The Group takes this opportunity to call on the Co-facilitators, with the assistance of the Secretariat, to ensure early release of the zero-draft on the post-2015 development agenda to afford Member States a possibility to make an assessment of the outlook of the document and the extent to which Group proposals and views have been incorporated into the zero draft. We believe that early release of the zero draft will also allow Member States adequate time for consultations.
The Group maintains it view that poverty remains the greatest global challenge afflicting developing countries and therefore poverty eradication must remain the overriding objective of the post-2015 development agenda. In dealing with this compelling challenge Member States efforts must be underpinned by Agenda 21, Johannesburg Plan of Action and the Rio principles in particular principle 7, namely Common but Differentiated Responsibilities. The Group reiterates its long- standing view that for developing countries poverty eradication remains the sine qua non for the realization of sustainable development and the realization of the objectives of the post-2015 development agenda. In our view this is the approach that should continue to guide our debate on the post-2015 development agenda.
The Group actively participates in the preparatory process of the FfD Third Conference to ensure that its outcomes truly support the post-2015 development agenda in line with Resolution GA Resolution 69/217. We maintain that the Means of Implementation remain critically important for the success of the post-2015 development agenda. In this regard we call on our development partners to ensure that we raise the level of ambition to enable developing countries to meet their sustainable development aspirations.
Technology transfer mechanism
The Group of 77 and China takes this opportunity to thank the Co-facilitators for circulation of the Food for thought paper on a possible Technology Facilitation Mechanism earlier in the week for consideration by Member States. Most sincerely we thank you Co-facilitators for keeping this issue alive in this intergovernmental process and for allowing Member States and political groups sufficient time to consult on the said document to provide informed inputs in this session.
We wish to register the following observations so long:
- We recognize the "food-for thought" paper as a positive development, which will contribute to our substantive deliberations on the establishment of a technology facilitation mechanism in the context of the post-2015 development agenda. We wish to emphasize that the Group expects that a technology facilitation mechanism to be a key deliverable for the Post-2015 Summit, in support of effective technology development, transfer and dissemination for developing countries.
- We note that the "food for thought" paper still needs to be complemented and further detailed, in particular, in relation to the functions, institutional arrangements and secretariat support for a technology facilitation mechanism.
- We reaffirm that the scope of a technology facilitation mechanism should reflect the scope of the framework of sustainable development goals and targets. We also reaffirm that the intergovernmental negotiations for the post-2015 development agenda has the mandate to consider the technology facilitation mechanism, in accordance with relevant GA resolutions (68/309 and 69/214). Therefore it is the firm view of the Group that the elements presented as part of the 'Food-for-thought' paper must be included in the zero draft of the Post-2015 Development Agenda to enable further discussions. We do not necessarily agree with the view that all the technology related issues must be discussed only in the FfD Conference outcome document. While FfD draft could discuss the larger issues pertaining to Science, Technology and Innovation, the specific proposal for the creation of a Technology Facilitation Mechanism must be discussed as part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
- Furthermore we request a joint session of the Financing for Development and Post-2015 processes next week in order to deliberate on the "food for thought" paper. The ideas is to emphasize the intention of the Group to engage in substantive discussion on the basis of the food for thought paper and ensure synergy between the two-tracks on this issue of critical importance to developing countries.
Lastly we wish to mention that the Group is working on detailed proposals with a view to strengthening the Co-facilitator's paper.
We express our confidence that the modalities will be agreed upon and a decision will be adopted on the establishment of the technology facilitation mechanism in the context of negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda.
I thank you.