
I have the honor to deliver the following remarks on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

In response to the invitation for inputs on the way forward the Group wishes to submit its views as follows:

Tweaking of SDGs and Targets.

The Group noted the remarks of yesterday by the Co-facilitators that a revised proposal on the revision of the SDGs and targets will be circulated in the near future having taken into account the inputs submitted by Member States in this session. It was further mentioned that the revised text would be employed as a basis for further engagement. While the G77 and China cannot hinder efforts of the Co-facilitators to find common ground on this issue, it is important to state once again that the Group is opposed to the re-opening of the OWG/SDGs Report and in this regard reiterates its position that the said Report including the chapeau, SDGs and targets and reservations made by the Member States must be entirely integrated into the post-2015 development agenda.

The Group took note of the remarks by the Co-facilitators that the Member States must consider entrusting them with the responsibility to revisit targets without clear figures and percentages (Xs), as one option to address perceived challenges in some targets. The Group notes that the modalities and criteria for that exercise were not even announced. Any unilateral attempt by the Co-facilitators risks being rejected as any action in this process should be member-states driven.

Next Session on MoI.

The Group noted the proposal by the Co-facilitators to hold a joint meeting with the Financing for Development track during the next session that will consider the means of implementation (MoI). The Group regards the issue of the MoI as critically important to the achievement of the post-2015 development agenda. Accordingly, this topic should receive the highest attention of the Member States and adequate time should be allowed to exchange views on the practical actions that will be taken by our development partners to address this question. An integral part of the means of implementation is technology transfer and development. Member States must use the opportunity to further engage on the practical steps to bring this debate to its logical conclusion and establish the technology mechanism in the context of the post-2015 development agenda.

We are cognizant that the issue means of implementation will certainly arise in the context of the upcoming FfD meeting. It is the view of the Group that there is no contradiction in discussing this essential question of MoI in both tracks to give it the maximum attention it deserves and begin to narrow the existing gaps in earnest.

Development of global indicators.

The Group noted comments by the Co-facilitators that the Statistical Commission could be in a position to present the preliminary indicators by June/June. It is the understanding of the Group of 77 and China that, according to the roadmap decided by the Un Statistical Commission, the indicator framework will be finalized at its 47th Session in March 2016. We believe that while indicators will not be negotiated by Member States in the context of the intergovernmental process of the post-2015 development agenda, Member States can provide broad political guidance to the Statistical Commission and UN Agencies participating in the elaboration of indicators in the context of the of the Follow-up and Review. Once the indicator framework is finalized by UN Statistical in March, it can be submitted to the follow-up mechanism of Post-2015 Agenda to be agreed by consensus.

In this connection, the Group would like to highlight that it is of the utmost importance that the terms of reference of the Inter- Agency and Expert Group on SDGs indicators and its proceedings should be formalized at the earliest possible in order to provide the necessary legitimacy and transparency to this process.

As we mentioned earlier in this session it is important to ensure that channels of communication are established to afford Member States an opportunity to provide inputs to the Statistical Commission as its undertakes this indispensible task of developing global indicators in order to ensure that that the process is not only open and transparent but Member States are in a position to provide inputs in this process. In this line, we do also request that briefings by the Chief of the Statistical Commission on the progress of their work can be scheduled in all the remaining sessions of the post 2015 intergovernmental process so that Member States can be in position to provide the appropriate political guidance to their work. We need to ensure participation of representatives from developing countries through the provision of travel assistance.

The Group takes this opportunity to express its appreciation to the Co-facilitators and the Secretariat for ensuring that capital-based experts participate in our sessions through provision of travel support. Capital-based experts provide valuable inputs and support particularly to our small delegations in New York.

I thank you.