INT/92/K04 - Development and use of a computer simulation model for supply, demand and prices of agricultural commodities in ASEAN countries
Submitter: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Trade
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 member countries (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand)
PGTF input (US$): 81,600
Other inputs (US$): Nil
Date of implementation: 1993-1994
Impact: Improved the skills of the participants in forecasting trends in export agricultural commodities. Some of the participants were able to set-up national training programs on computer simulation models.
Contact: |
Department of Agriculture
Jl. Harsono RM No.3 Ragunan
Jakarta 12550, Republic of Indonesia
Telepphone: 021-780 4427 ext.2223
Fax: 021-780 4428
Website: |
Final Report: