INT/90/K03 - In-depth review of the actions taken by the international community in favor of the particular needs and problems of the land-locked developing countries and a basis for new strategy to overcome these needs and problems in the future
Submitter: Center for the Study of International Relations and Development (CERID) from Bolivia
Subcontractor same as above
Priority area: Technical cooperation among developing countries
Participating/beneficiary countries: 19 countries (Afghanistan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Paraguay, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe)
PGTF input (US$): 95,000
Other inputs (US$): 23,800
Date of implementation: 1991-1995
Impact: Inventory of a large number of studies and projects served as a basis for recommending a coordinated action. In particular it is recommended that a high level office be created with a view to coordinating joint efforts of the land-locked counties at the international level, in particular those related to international trade.
Contact: |
Centro para el Estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales y el Desarrollo (CERID)
Calle Rosendo Gutiérrez Nº 550 (Sopocachi)
Casilla 11228
La Paz, Bolivia
Telephone and Fax: +591-2-242-2275
E-mail: info @
Website: |
Final Report: