Results of PGTF - Project INT/20/K12

Submitter: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), based in Irbid, Jordan
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia)
PGTF input: US$ 28,000
Other inputs: US$ 28,000
Number: INT/20/K12
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 43rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2019)
Completion: Final report submitted on 28 December 2023
Impact: From 14 to 16 March 2023, a research-training workshop was hosted at the Jordan University of Science and Technology in Irbid, Jordan, focusing on chronic respiratory diseases in sheep and goats, particularly Maedi disease, in the Middle East and North Africa. The event brought together experts in animal and public health to exchange knowledge on disease diagnosis and epidemiology, introduce new diagnostic techniques, and discuss the pathology and prevalence of these diseases. The workshop covered subjects such as enhancing laboratory and human resource capacities, raising awareness among stakeholders, and fostering communication between scientists, veterinarians, and government ministries across several countries, including Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Afghanistan, and Algeria. The workshop also produced comprehensive proceedings on the diseases' statuses in the region.

Contact:   Contact person: Prof. Nabil Q. Hailat, (PI) Professor of Pathology and Animal Health
Address: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, PO Box (3030), Irbid 22110-Jordan
Telephone: Mob +962-7-95885219; Office +962-2-7201000 ext 22026 and 22016
Fax: +962-2-7095117; +962-2-7095123
Email: hailatn @

Final Report:

    • INT-20-K12-FinalReport.pdf  *  [Language: English; Size: 5898KB]

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      * Note: The reports posted have been prepared by the submitting institutions and their content is the sole responsibility of their authors. Please forward any inquiries or requests for further information to the contact person provided and kindly send a copy to the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 for our records.