INT/03/K07 - Territorial imbalances and university education: impact of territorial imbalances on university students’ performance
Submitter: National University of La Plata from Argentina
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Technical cooperation among developing countries
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Brazil, and Peru)
PGTF input (US$): US$20,000
Other inputs (US$): US$144,400
Date of implementation: 2003-2004
Impact: Three country studies carried out in Argentina, Brazil and Peru proved that the proclaimed goal of equality of opportunities is far from being achieved. University education results, in terms of both qualitative and quantitative indicators are heavily dependent on personal and regional characteristics of students (socio-economic background, family income, and level of economic resources where they live). Results were published in a book widely distributed to public and private libraries, policy-makers in central and local governments, congress members, and authorities and researchers in public and private universities and other institutions. Administrative and academic institutions in the three countries now have the data, analyses and recommendations to make the right decisions regarding university education policies.
Contact: |
Dr. Alberto Porto, Director del Departamento de Economía de la Factulad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Address: Calle 48 No. 555 e/6 y 7 (1900), La Plaza, República Argentina
Telephone: 0054-221-4229383
Email: alberto @
Final Report: