Origin of The Group of 77


The organization and modalities of work of the G77 have certain minimal features it common. These include similarity in membership. mode of decision-making and certain operating methods. The Group's work in each Chapter is co-ordinated by a chairperson, who acts as its spokesperson. The chairpersonship rotates on a regional basis and the Ministerial Declaration issued to mark the thirtieth anniversary decided that the term of the chairperson be one year in all the Chapters. Accordingly the Paris Chapter which until now has followed a two-year pattern will shift to a one-year chairpersonship beginning with 1996.

The Ministerial Meeting is the supreme decision-making body of the Group of 77. It is convened annually, at the beginning of the General Assembly of the United Nations in September in New York and also periodically in preparation for UNCTAD sessions and the General Conferences of UNIDO and of UNESCO. Special Ministerial Meetings are also convened as needed, such as on the occasion of the Group's twenty-fifth anniversary (Caracas, June 1989) and its thirtieth anniversary (New York, June 1994).

The Irtnergovemmental Follow-up Aid Co-ordination Committee on Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries (IFCC) is a plenary body consisting of senior officials and meets once every two years. Its purpose is to review the state of implementation of the Caracas Programme of Action (CPA) adopted by the Group of 77 in 1981. The IFCC was last convened in Panama City in 1993.

Subsidiary machinery created to support the CPA include the Core of Assistance to the Chairperson of the Group of 77, the Committee of Experts of the Perez Guerrero Trust Fund (PGTF) for ECDC and TCDC, the General Conference and the Steering Committee of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Group of 77. Action Committees and National Focal Points for ECDC and the Documentation Centre.

The Group of 27 serves as a technical and expert level working group of the Group of 77 of the Whole in Now York. It was originally established in 1974 preparation for the 6th Special Session of the General Assembly of United Nations on the New Intenational Economic Order. The membership of the G77 originally consisted of nine countries from each of the three regions of the Group of 77 (Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Carribean). It met as a working group of the Group of 77 of the Whole to whom it reported. From the outset, participation was open to any member of the Group of 77 and it is this which made it very effective and useful for the in-depth study of issues to be recommended to the Group of 77 of the Whole.