Bonn, Germany, 17 June 2011
Ambassador Jorge Argüello, Chairman of the Group, considered: "The intense negotiations have allowed us to move forward on specifics, which is no doubt positive. Nevertheless, the chance to reach a successful outcome in Durban to consolidate and strengthen the climate change framework still depends on the level of political will that Parties can show. The Group of 77 and China will continue to work in an open and constructive manner to create the political conditions necessary". The second meeting of the Climate Change negotiation process moved to its conclusion on Friday 17 in Bonn, Germany, with the stocktaking plenaries of the Ad-Hoc Working Group under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA). The 34th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) wrapped up on Thursday 16, and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), this morning. Ambassador Silvia Merega, Head of the Delegation of Argentina, presented the message from the Group of 77 and China in the stocktaking plenaries. KP The Group of 77 and China believes that the Kyoto Protocol is the cornerstone of the multilateral climate change regime. The Kyoto Protocol is the only legally binding instrument to tackle emission reductions in an effective way. There is a need to preserve the Kyoto Protocol and its stringent rules for monitoring, reporting and verification, its flexibility mechanisms, as well as its compliance system. The Group is still extremely concerned on the fact that the AWG-KP was unable to advance in increasing the level of ambition of current Annex I Parties's pledges. The Group of 77 and China has emphasized the need to continue political discussions to ensure an environment of trust and a sense of common purpose among Parties that would allow us to reach agreement. "The political debate we have had so far has been useful to clarify the countries' positions on certain complex issues, and progress on technical streamlining is helpful. However, we still need more work to reach a common understanding on technical issues, and more balance with the political debate." explained the Chair of the G77 and China. LCA The Group of 77 and China believes that Cancun marked a milestone towards the fulfillment of the mandate of the Bali Action Plan. On this basis, the AWG-LCA must continue its work with a view to presenting its results to the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session in a way that contributes positively towards reaching a balanced and comprehensive outcome. The Group of 77 and China underlined the importance of mitigation as part of a balanced and ambitious outcome in Durban and reiterated that appropriate treatment of mitigation, as determined in the Bali Roadmap, demands a decision, in Durban, on establishing the commitments of the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. The Group of the 77 and China welcomed the progress made during this session with regard to the Adaptation Committee, convinced that it should be operational as soon as possible after COP17, and emphasized its potential to bring the much needed coherence within the Convention on matters related to adaptation and support developing countries to enhance their capacity to implement concrete adaptation measures and actions on the ground. The Group of 77 and China formally tabled two draft decisions to be considered at the 17COP, on financing and the development and transfer of technology. On financing, the Group presented a draft decision on the role and functions of the Standing Committee, as called for in paragraph 112 of decision 1/CP.16. The Group of 77 and China is looking forward to further discussions with all Parties with the aim of rendering the Standing Committee operational in Durban. On development and transfer of technology, the Group of 77 and China notes the very useful discussions which occurred among the Parties during this session of the AWG-LCA on the Technology Mechanism, and considered it is time to move to the negotiation stage. To this end, the Group of 77 and China has submitted a draft decision on the Technology Mechanism which is focused on its operationalization to enhance the development and transfer of technology at Durban. SUBSIDIARY BODIES The assessment of the Group on the progress in negotiations overall was positive, as after two weeks of intense negotiations, both SBI and SBSTA could advanced in most of the subjects of interest. The SBI also adopted the budget for the biennium 2012-2013. Concerns were expressed that the levels authorized will not cover all activities Parties decided to go ahead with. "It will be difficult to cover new activities as adopted in Bonn." explained the Chair. Ambassador Merega considered: "It is important to see that conclusions on subjects dear to G77 and China were adopted and will be forwarded to COP17/CMP7, in particular on the Nairobi Work Program in SBSTA, and on National Adaptation Plans and on approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts in developing countries in SBI and on the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures in both Subsidiary Bodies". Concerns were expressed, however, on the lack of conclusions in agenda items addressing developed countries´s commitments. "The Group of 77 and China is very concerned about the facts and the trend in the total aggregate of greenhouse gas emissions from Annex I Parties" added the Chair. The Group of 77 and China called on Parties included in Annex II of the Convention to intensify their efforts aimed at fulfilling their commitments on the provision of financial resources, enhancing technology development and transfer, meeting costs of adaptation, and strengthening capacity building in developing country Parties in accordance with articles 4, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of the Convention. Ambassador Merega emphasized that "The G77 and China considers that verifiable, concrete actions are needed in order to assure the fulfillment of commitments of developed country Parties and their compliance." The Group of 77 and China also reiterated the call for more contributions to the funds devoted to adaptation under the Convention, in particular the Special Climate Change Fund, the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Adaptation Fund under the Kyoto Protocol and demanded a clear way forward to support LDCs and other particularly vulnerable developing countries to formulate and implement their National Adaptation Plans. -------------------