Developing nations continue to face rash of economic problem, says
G-77 .... Debt burden weighs heavily on developing nations, says
G-77 .... ODA lowest on record, says NGO coalition .... After Tokyo,
new round of battle coming up .... Gamani Corea says in interview
there is merit in an Asian monetary fund .... Plans for summit or
special session on development financing .... U.N. to host conference
on least developed countries .... G-77 supports U.N. reform process ...
and more HIGHLIGHTS:
UN Special Sesions fails to generate commitments from North .....
Earth Summit results modest, says Tanzanian President ..... Non-aligned
Movement has not outlived its usefulness, says Colombian President
.... G-77 welcomes U.K.'s decision to stay in UNIDO ..... UNOPS
turns into an entirely self-financing entity in UN system .... Nairobi
Chapter says budgetary cuts will hurt developing nations and weaken
Habitat ....
and more HIGHLIGHTS: Developing
nations have met their Rio commitments, says G-77 Chairman .....
Final word on U.N. reforms will be with Governments, says Executive
Coordinator for U.N. Reform ..... High-level Committee on TCDC bolsters
importance of South-South cooperation .... G-77 welcomes U.K.'s
decision to rejoin UNESCO .....
and more HIGHLIGHTS: A
leaner and more efficient UNDP aims to fight global poverty, says
UNDP .... Urgent need to hald the decline of ODA, says President
of General Assembly .... Danish study hails UNIDO reform .... The
politics of U.N. diplomatic parking .... Round table calls on developed
countries to honour their Rio commitments .....
and more HIGHLIGHTS:
G-77 Chairman singles out poverty and debt as two critical Third
World problems ..... Africa should receive U.N.'s undivided attention,
says U.N. Secretary-General ..... Poorest losing out yet again in
OECD's development vision for 21st century ..... U.S. continues
to grab major U.N. contracts ..... U.N. should not diminish its
role in social and economic affairs .....
and more |