Statement by the Mr. Zerubabel Tefera, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the United Nations Environment Program, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China on the First Substantive Session of the Session of the ad-hoc Open-Ended Working Group Established Pursuant to the General Assembly Resolution 72/277 – “Towards a Global Pact for the Environment” (UNON, Nairobi, 14 January 2019)
Excellency Amal Mudallali, PR of Lebanon to the UN, and
Excellency Francisco Duarte Lopez, PR of Portugal to the UN,
Acting Executive Director,
Ambassadors, High Commissioners, and
Distinguished Delegates,
I am honored to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
I am also honored to welcome you all on behalf of the Group of 77 and China to Nairobi, the world’s environmental capital, and to the United Nations Offices at Nairobi, the only United Nations Head Quarters in the developing South.
Group of 77 and China believes that the first substantive Session of the ad-hoc Open-Ended Working Group established pursuant to the General Assembly Resolution 72/277 – “Towards a Global Pact for the Environment” is an important meeting in which we look into the possible gaps in international environmental law and environment-related instruments including those identified in the Secretary General’s report.
The Group notes the report of the Secretary-General. The report reviews and analyses the body of international law and environment- related instruments as well as the governance structure and implementation of international environmental law, some areas in which cooperation and coordination among existing instruments might be enhanced. The Group strongly believes that international declarations such as those of, among others, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) play a crucial role in examining the Report.
Regarding current fragmentation within the governance of Multilateral Environment Agreements administered by United Nations Environment Program identified in the Report, the Group firmly believes that successful implementation of paragraph 88 of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) on consolidation of the headquarters function of United Nations Environment Program can play a central role in addressing the possible coordination challenges.
On the level of implementation of international environmental law at both the domestic and global levels, the Group underlines the centrality of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda in addressing implementation challenge, including that of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this connection, the Group stresses the need of providing means of implementation, including financing, transfer of technology and capacity building as an essential aspect for the full operationalization of all multilateral environmental agreements and to supports efforts toward aligning them with policies and economic, social and environmental priorities.
Regarding relevant stakeholders, the report indicated that their role needs to be enhanced. In this connection, the Group notes the importance of the participation of the relevant stakeholders, as appropriate.
The Group reaffirms that principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, including, inter alia, the principle of “Common But Differentiated Responsibilities” and permanent sovereignty of states over their natural resources will continue to serve as the basis for developing countries to engage in this process.
In conclusion, the Group of 77 and China expresses its readiness to engaging constructively in this process.
I thank you!