Statement by H.E. Mr. Dina Mufti Sid, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the Republic of Kenya, and the Permanent Representative to UNEP, UN-HABITAT, and UNON, Chairperson of the Group of 77 Chapter in Nairobi, at the 141st Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Environment Program (UNON, Nairobi, 20 February 2018)
Mr. Chairperson,
Ambassadors and High Commissioners,
Distinguished representatives,
I am honored to speak on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
First and foremost, the Group of 77 and China commends and congratulates all Member States, the former President of the Assembly, the Executive Director and the Secretariat for the successful Third Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.
The Assembly concluded with the adoption of a Ministerial Declaration and this achievement can be regarded as yet another milestone in the history of the Assembly. The Group of 77 and China wishes to congratulate H.E. Mr. Edgar Gutiérrez, President of the third UNEA and Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica for his participatory and able leadership and all Member States for making the Ministerial Declaration a reality. The Assembly also adopted, by consensus, 11 resolutions and three decisions, yet another achievement of the Assembly. The Group wishes to reiterate its unwavering support for their implementation.
Mr. Chairperson,
Additionally, the Group of 77 and China would like to highlight that UNEA sessions are becoming an event of global significance. 157 countries participated in the Assembly, including 65 representations at the ministerial level; 35 UN agencies were represented, as well as other 21 intergovernmental organizations. It is also reported that 300 business representatives attended the Assembly and almost 500 Major Groups and Stakeholders representatives attended the session. This is why the Group of 77 and China regards the third session of the UN Environment Assembly as a success.
The Group of 77 and China would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Government and the People of Kenya for the hospitality and warm welcome accorded to all delegations. The Group is committed to the outcomes of UNEA 3 and is looking forward for their implementation.
Mr. Chairperson,
The Group of 77 and China takes note and appreciates the Secretariat's update on the implementation of the resolution on Marine Plastic Litter and Microplastics and the proposed implementation plan. Accordingly, the Group request the Secretariat to follow the same path in providing implementation update and implementation plan for the remaining resolutions. The Group strongly believes that such arrangements will contribute to the Organization's effort to better implement and better follow up resolutions and decisions.
Mr. Chairperson,
The Group of 77 and China welcomes the consensus reached to have a United Nations Environment Assembly with overarching theme. The Group calls upon its Members and others to engage in a constructive manner so as to craft a theme that elevates the Forth United Nations Environmental Assembly to the next level.
Mr. Chairperson,
In a nutshell, the Group of 77 and China strongly believes that the lessons we learned from the successful Third Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly will certainly inform and guide us in our endeavor for the Forth Assembly.
I thank you!